Chapter Four

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While everybody was asleep the young prince was sitting on his throne and was drinking black soul tea that tasted bitter.

"son what are still doing up,a king needs to have a lot of rest" The Queen of Hearts said to her son.

"sorry mother I just couldn't sleep" Harrison said and also cringed a little when she said king.

"Well alright my little prince just don't stay up too late I need you to work at my salon"The Queen of Hearts said to her son.

His mother finally left him alone and he just sat there thinking.He heard a bark behind his throne and it was his pet dog perla.She's the daughter of Percy,Governor Ratcliffe dog.

He got her from his baddie bag from Evie sixth birthday party."Hey girl"he said picking her up and putting her on his lap.

Harrison was thinking about what if Mal,Evie,Jay,and Carlos didn't turn good and everybody on the island was free.

His mother will finally get revenge on Alice and she'll be happy again.You might be wondering where's the king of Hearts?Harrison Father.

Well he died from an illness two years ago and his mother has been more evil than ever before.

She blames Harrison for the death of her husband even though he had nothing to do with it.

The Queen of Hearts will treat Harrison like a slave some days and the other days like a prince and Harrison is tired of it.

His mother wants him to become king of wonderland one day but the truth is Harrison doesn't want too.He doesn't want to rule a land,he likes his life normal.

He got off his throne and put his cup in the sink and went to his room with Perla following him.His room was red and black and a little bit of gold.He put his pajamas on and snuggled up with Perla and fell asleep.

So now you know about Harrison❤️I know it's short but I like it.

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