Chapter Five

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Freddie was having a hard time to sleep as well,she didn't know why though. She got up and decided to play with her cards for awhile until she gets tired. Playing with her cards helps her sleep or when she gets nervous.

The young voodoo princess,which is what she's called by her father or her three best friends CJ, Shawn, and Harrison. She was thinking about CJ's plan to help Uma.

Freddie hated Uma as much as Uma hated her. Freddie smiles as she remembers the day she won a singing contest against Uma when they we're eight.

Both girls had voices of angels on the island.Ever since the contest they both been enemies.But Freddie wasn't jealous that her best friend since birth was helping her enemy.

she was just a little worried of might happen to CJ if the plan goes wrong. Last time Uma had a plan Gil almost went overboard and almost drowned and Harry was almost attacked by a crocodile.

Freddie laughed and shook those thoughts out of her head.why should she be worried,it's every villain for them self right?.

But as much she hates to admit it,she actually really cares about CJ,Shawn and Harrison,but she won't really show it.

The four of them have been best friends for a long time,they we're a gang and they liked it like that.

Freddie put her cards away and just stared out at of her window and looked at the direction where Auradon is.

Being the Daughter of a Dr.Facilier is hard for Freddie because she basically lives in her father shadow, Literally.

She wants to be free just like any other villain want's to be. She went back to her bed and fell asleep.

Well that's Freddie❤️the next chapter date will be on Saturday since it's now going to be based on the movie.

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