Chapter six

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CJ p.o.v
I woke up and I saw Harry sitting on a chair studying a map.

"hey CJ,Uma wants us to meet her at Ursula fish n chips"he said and I nodded.

"bye father"we both said before we left the ship.

We we're both walking through the market places stealing stuff,and pushing people out of our way.

Harry saw a women fishing and took the fishes that she caught and we went inside the restaurant.

Harry saw a women fishing and took the fishes that she caught and we went inside the restaurant

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Gil was eating some shrimp and Uma was serving orders so I decided to just sit down.

Meanwhile in Auradon

Third person p.o.v
"MAL Mal the royal cotillion is in three days,how does it feel to be the most envied girl in Auradon?"A reporter asked Mal but she couldn't answer because there were so many questions asked at the same time.

"do you like being blonde?is your mother still a lizard?another one asked before King Ben came and tried to get them away.

"King Ben king Ben did you ever imagine dating a villain kid?"a reporter asked and both Ben and Mal felt offended.

"We're done here"Ben said but the reporters were still asking questions.

"Shoosh shoosh this is still school grounds so if your here your either skipping or trespassing"fairy Godmother said.

but the reporters tried asking more questions but fairy godmother finally shoosh them away.

"Mal Ben"fairy godmother said,"fairy godmother"Ben and Mal said before she left."don't pay any attention to them"Ben said."well that's easier said than done right"Mal said laughing a little.

"hey we should do something like go somewhere,get away"Ben said and Mal agreed.

"Ben you have a council meeting your going to be late"Jordan said the daughter of the genie and Ben royal adviser.

"uh ok we'll go somewhere sometime" Ben said about to kiss Mal cheek but Mal was pulled away by Evie.

"If we don't do a dress fitting right this instant you will be dancing in your bath robe ok,hi lets go"Evie said pulling Mal to their dorm room.

"ok Evie I can not breath"Mal said when Evie pulled the strings in the back of the dress.

"Well you can breath right after cotillion"Evie said."I doubt that I have twenty other events after that and I can't remember what a single one of them is"Mal said and Evie looked at the dress,"Impeccable"she said.

"Evie do you ever think about what we would be doing if we we're back on the isle right now"Mal asked her.

"hahah that's funny,oh looks who's on Tv"Evie said looking at the Tv.The reporter was talking about King Ben and Mal dinner with Queen Jasmine and king Aladdin.

Descendants 2:Young villain love{Carlos de vil and CJ Hook Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now