Chapter Two

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A/N:Not drawn by me I just thought it was cute👆

CJ P.o.v
I woke and got dress in my favorite outfit and grabbed my sword and my Hook.

Yes I have a Hook,I wear it to honor my father Captain Hook.But I'm not obsessed with it like my brother Harry.

But I'm not obsessed with it like my brother Harry

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(Outfit made by me👆)

"Good morning father I'm going to Ursula fish and chips" I said. But he obviously ignored it.

I left the ship and started walking to Ursula fish and chips.

"Hey CJ wait up!"Someone yelled and it was my best friend Freddie.

"oh hey Freddie"I said to her.

"Hey where are you heading to?"she asked,"going to Ursula fish and chips"I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Your gonna hang out with shrimpy?"she asked laughing causing me too giggle.

"yes I am, why are you jealous?"I asked her smirking,her face turn red a little.

"No you know we don't like each other"she said.

But I know my best friend and she was lying,

"No your scared of losing me"I said.

"ha I have more friends on the isle than Uma crew"she said.

"whatever don't worry you will always be my number one best friend"I said to her and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Hey guys"a boy voice said well actually two voices and it was my other best friends Harrison,son of the Queen of Hearts and Shawn Smee the second son of Mr,Smee.

"Hey Harrison I thought you were on vacation with your mother in the south and so were you Shawn"Freddie said.

"We we're but we decide to come back early" harrison said fixing his Jacket. I noticed a bracelet on his hand and it was blue with a red heart.

"Is that Evie old bracelet?"I asked smirking at him.

His face turned red,"ya I went to the Evil Queen old place and stole stuff"he said.

Freddie,Shawn and I smirked at each other.Harrison and Evie we're a thing back then before she left to Auradon.

Since he was the only prince on the isle and she was the princess of the isle of the lost,they dated but now Evie is Auradon and is in love with a Dwarfs son.

Descendants 2:Young villain love{Carlos de vil and CJ Hook Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now