Chapter Eight

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A/n:this is going to be a Jaydan Chapter kind of (credits to @krysbabdon for the ship name)

Jordan p.o.v
"Hey Lonnie how was R.O.A.R?"I asked her.

"horrible Chad said I couldn't be on the team because the rules say eight men and Jay agreed"she said upset but also with anger.

"Aziz came and tried to calm me down but I'm still upset"she said.

"Why would Jay agree with Chad out of all people?"I asked,"I don't know"she said picking up her sword.

"hey you wanna go practice with me?"she asked and I nodded.

I may be the daughter of the great and powerful Genie but I know how to fence.

"Ok let's get started"I said putting the mask on.Lonnie and I started fencing, doing flips, and taking each other swords and at the end I won.

"wow you are really good"she said.

"Thanks but you're better"I said helping her get up.We heard clapping behind us,it was the R.O.A.R team and the coach.

"now that's raw talent"the coach said.We still had our mask on so no one could tell who we we're.

"Wow you guys are amazing"Aziz said,"would one you men like to join the team?"Jay asked. when we heard men we both took off our masks and the whole team was shocked even the coach.

"we're actually women"Lonnie and I both said,"and yes Lonnie will love to join your team"I said.

"Uhh no sorry Lonnie did you forget the rules?"Chad asked and both Lonnie and I became annoyed.

"come on Jordan let's go"Lonnie said and I followed her.

"Hey Lonnie wait"we heard Aziz yell.

"Look honestly I think you should join the team your really good"he said taking both her hands.

"I'll talk to Jay about it"he said which made Lonnie cheer up a little."thanks Aziz"she said and gave Aziz a hug.

"Hey I have to go to Evie dorm for my dress fitting" Lonnie said running off. "see you later Jordan"Aziz said running back to practice.

I went to my dorm which I share with Lonnie,even though I live in my lamp,I have a dorm,and did some paper work for Ben.

I heard a knock on my door and I went to go open it,"oh hey Jay"I said smiling a little.

"hey I wanted say that you're really good at fencing and how come you never told me?"he asked.

"you never asked"I said laughing causing him to chuckle. "yeah um Jordan do you have a date to the cotillion?"he asked me.

"No do you?"I asked him.

"nope"he said."let me guess your going solo so you can dance with all the girls"I said teasing him and he laughed.

"No I actually wanted to ask yo-"he said but he was caught off from my phone ringing.

"wait hold up"I said and answered my phone,it was my dad saying that he needed help with stuff.

"hey I gotta go my dad needs help with stuff but what we're you going to say?"I asked him,"uh nothing I'll tell you later"he said.

"ok see you later"I said giving him a hug which was normal for us. Aziz, Jay,and I become really close friends despite the past with our parents.

"ok see you later"he said and I snapped my fingers and I was transported to my lamp.

Third person p.o.v
Jay sighed,he never really had a crush and the girls we're usually the ones falling for him not him falling for them.

But Jordan different,she's not one of those girls who will see a guy and fall for him instantly.Jay had a crush on the Genie girl ever since he came to Auradon.

"man is this how Carlos felt when Jane friend zoned him?"he thought to himself.

The thought of getting friend zone by your crush is the worst feeling ever."I'll talk to Aziz on how to ask Jordan to the cotillion"he thought to himself.

He went back to his dorm and Carlos was not there neither was dude.Jay saw something on Carlos bed like a Journal or something.

He grabbed it and read it,he laughed at some of the stuff little Carlos wrote until one paragraph caught his eyes.It was about his feelings for CJ and Jane.

Jay read it and when he finished he was shocked.He realized that Carlos still loves CJ,but he also has a crush on Jane.

"This boy needs to choose"Jay said.But he knows Carlos and his relationship with CJ was on the isle and he'll admit that he did ship them and probably still does.

Jay heard the open so he quickly put the Journal back to where it was and went back to his bed."hey Jay"Carlos said,"hey where's dude?"Jay asked him.

"he's with Evie making an outfit for him"Carlos said."so how did it go with Jordan?"Carlos asked,"I couldn't ask her because her father called her so I didn't have a chance"Jay said.

"that happened with me and Jane earlier"Carlos said.

"Are you ok man?"Jay asked,"ya I'm just confused"Carlos said."you don't need to be CJ back on the isle and Jane is here"Jay said.

" yeah but I don't want to be in a relationship that doesn't feel real" he said sighing and jay nodded." whatever best for you" Jay said.

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