chapter 11: my place of escape

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**Cat’s pov**

Lunch was the same as normal eat, drink, eat, talk and more eating. The day went by like usual nothing out of the ordinary, and now it’s twenty to three. Why won’t time go faster when I want it to, not when I don’t? “Pssss” is that a snake!?! I turn around to look for the culprit of the weird sound and come across Niall in the back row waving his arms around like a bird. I couldn’t help but burst out into laughter at the thought of him as a huge bird like the one from Sesame Street. “Is something funny miss. Wood?” the substitute teacher said,

“No sir” crap. I just caller her a sir, “I mean no mam” she just death stared me silently shooting daggers in my one by one. I slouched down into the chair as much as I could. “Sit up straight!” crap, this teacher hates me now. “Yes mam” I back up straight and by now the whole class was cracking up in laughter, “so as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted” her eyes wouldn’t leave my face the whole time. I wasn’t paying any attention to what the teacher had said, I swivelled around in my chair walked up to Niall, grabbed his hand and yanked him all the way out the door. “And where do you think you two are going?!” the teacher shouted after us, I couldn’t care less at the moment.

“Somewhere where it does not concern you!” I shouted back now all the way at the other end of the long quiet hall. “You two get back here!” I just ignored her and Nialls confused look as I continued pulling him towards the social studies area. “What are you doing Cat? We’re going to be in so much trouble” I didn’t answer him just kept on walking to the destination I had in mind. “Where are you taking me?” no answer. “Why are you taking me to this mystery location anyway?” and again, no answer. “How much further my feet hurt?” does this boy eve run out questions? “If we’re going to do something illegal then I’m out… it’s not is it?” obviously he doesn’t.

“Just shut up already, you’ll know where were going once were there. And no its not god damn illegal” I said irritated at the blonde boy. The rest of the walk he was quiet, he just let e drag him the whole way. “We’re here” I finally said releasing my grip on his hand,

“Thank god” he mumbled rubbing his now red hand.

“Sorry about your hand it was urgent, the teacher just got all weird and I couldn’t handle her anymore” I walked over to the brick wall and pushed the fourth brick in the fourth row out, reached in and pulled out my key. “Where did you get that? How did you even put it in there? What’s it open?” more questions. Yay! Note the sarcasm

“Well Niall I’ll show you what it opens in 3- I walked over to the hidden door behind the gardening shed- 2 – I put it in the lock and twisted it, it made a clicking noise signalling it’s now unlocked- and 3” I open the door to reveal my get away room, my escape from reality.

“Why's it so dark?” Niall asked following me inside, I reached up and pulled the chain connected to the light bulb to turn it on. I bright light lit up the entire room, the lights went on row by row. I heard Niall gasp at the sight before him. “How did you... how, how. You. Huh?” he was lost for words, just like the very first time I came here.

“This is where I go to escape the drama, and reality” I told him picking up a pink orchid from the overhand branch.

“How does this fit in the school, this place is huge?”

“Honestly I have no idea, but I’m glad it does this environmental area is the best place in the world, and I love it” I answered walking over to the huge blossom tree sprouting out blossoms everywhere. I laid down under the huge tree, onto the pink flower covered soft green grass. Niall slowly made his way over towards the beautiful tree, and laid down next to me a look of amazement written on his face. “How did you find this place” he asked turning to look at me.

“Well it’s a long story…” I trailed off thinking about the time I found this wonderful place.

“I got time” he said with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Cheesy” I mumbled and began to tell him the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. 

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