chapter 9: Music class, and banging doors.

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**cats pov**

 We arrived at school one minute before the bell rang, as soon as Liam had parked the car I ran out and before I could even reach the door, I tripped and fell. I shot straight back up and kept on running not wanting to break my record. “Slow down Cat!” Liam yelled chasing after me into the school building, “I don’t want to be late Liam!” I said as I stopped at my locker to pick up my books, realising that I was using Liam’s I slammed the door shut and was in a full on sprint to get to home room. I opened the door a little too rough and it banged against the wall behind it causing everybody to stare at me. “Nice going C” Liam said as he passed me.

“Thanks Lili” he, is a life saver.

“No problem” we both walked in as we were in the same form class,

“Perfect timing Miss. Wood, and Mr. Payne” our teacher Ms Grace smiled and ushered us to our seats. We sat down and Ms Grace started on the announcements. Every now and then I would steal a glance at Liam who was two seats to my left, sometimes he would catch me and smile, other times he would just dismiss it. Towards the end of home room I felt like someone was staring at me, I turned around in my seat ever so slowly and catch Liam staring at me. A smirk grew on my face knowing that he too was watching me, like I was him. I turned back around to find that the class had been dismissed and everyone was piling out the door getting squashed, I sat and waited for a bit while the crowd died down. Once it had I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder only to have Liam come up behind me and take it from me, “what are you doing Lili?”

“Being a gentleman and carrying your bag for you, seeming as we have all the same classes today” he smiled and offered me his hand, wait he wanted me to hold his hand… I’m not gonna pass that up. My whole face probably lit up like a Christmas tree when he did the gesture, I grabbed his hand in mine and his face mirrored mine pure happiness. We walked down the hall getting numerous stares and points, like I get it there are a lot of prettier girls at school that could be holding hands with one of the hottest guys in school, but nope it’s me, and I like it that way. I looked up at Liam and smiled a huge smile that was probably the biggest I’ve ever smiled. He looked down at me being almost 2ft. taller than me or even more, he led me to music class. In music was basically my whole friendship group, Lou and Lola plus all Liam’s friends.

 We arrived at the door and we could hear them all in there, I went to let go of Liam’s hand but he quickly grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze. With my other hand I grabbed the handle and swung the door open, Liam kicked the door and it swung faster then I wanted it to and it hit the wall behind it causing aloud “Bang!!!” to echo throughout the room. Like homeroom all heads turned to face us I just looked up at Liam and glared at him, he looked at me and gave me a cheeky smile. Boys, I will never understand them. I looked back at the class and found Lou and Lola staring straight at me with huge grins on their faces, I walked over to them and sat on the seat next to Lou. Liam was still by the door looking for a seat, there weren’t any seats left. Sucker, I stuck my tongue out at him and he walked up to me with a mischievous look in his soft brown eyes. He placed my bag and his down under the high rise table and pulled my chair back, he picked me up and sat down on my seat placing me on his lap. I just blushed and looked down at the table, I could hear Lola and Lou whispering to each other about my current situation.

“You comfortable?” Lou teased,

“Very” I smiled snuggling further into Liam. Liam draped his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear “I’ve got a surprise for you”.

“What is it?” I asked becoming excited.

“You’re gonna have to wait and see” he said with a cute smile on his gorgeous face.

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