Shopping trip gone wrong?

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**Cat’s POV**

I woke up the next morning feeling happier than ever, the place between my legs ached a little but it was well worth it. I looked over at Liam his hand around my waist and his legs entwined with my own, he’s so cute when he’s sleep well all the time but right now he looks like a little puppy. A smile was evident on his handsome face, a soft giggle escaped my lips when I poked his face noticing there was a dimple. He squirmed underneath me touch I quickly retracted my hand and laughed once again as his movements stopped and he slumped back into sleep. I took my index finger and stuck it in my mouth coating it in saliva, I reached over and stuck it in his ear. He sprung up like he was possessed making me fall flat on the floor, at this point I was laughing so hard I could feel a six pack coming on.

I looked up to notice Liam wiping his ear out with a towel or some piece of cloth this only made me laugh harder, by now I was sure my face was a deep shade of red maybe even blue from the lack of oxygen, I probably looked like a retarded seal. The thought of a seal laying on the ground flapping its flaps around only made me laugh more.

All of a sudden there was a weight on my stomach,  making me groan “dear SpongeBob if you’re listening save me from beneath this huge whale, and allow oxygen into my deprived lungs” the weight also known as Liam started vibrating against me from his deep chuckles. He rolled off of me from laughing and I took this as an opportunity, I jumped on him so I was straddling him he stopped laughing and focused his chocolate brown eyes onto mine taking in our position. A look of lust became evident and I soon realised we were both naked, I could feel the blush rising up my neck and onto my burning cheeks.

Before we could start anything the door flew open slamming against the wall “oh hell naw sister get your naked ass up were going shopping!” Lola announced staring at us not caring that we were naked. I mentally groaned not wanting to upset her, but I hated shopping with a passion, “fine” I mumbled and stood up dropping the blanket onto Liam so he wouldn’t be exposed, me and Lola have been friends for years we’ve seen each other at the best and worst times, so being naked wasn’t anything new. “I’ll be down stairs with Lou” she skipped out the door and down the stairs.

“Well that was weird...” I trailed off after the door was closed, turning back to look at Liam.

“I love you Cat, so god damn much” then he leaned into me and we shared yet another passionate kiss before I had to leave to go shopping.

“I love you too Lili” with that we got up off the floor and headed to the shower. We had a lovely time in the shower taking it in turns to wash each-others bodies. We got dressed then headed down stairs, only to be greeted by “Let’s go shopping!!” being shouted at us from Lola and Lou, I groaned. Shopping yay! Note the sarcasm.

*a few hours later*

We were all sat around a small table eating our lunch. I had a chicken chili wrap. Everybody else went with pizza and hotdogs. “Can we go home now?” I complained for what felt like the billionth time.

“We’ve only been here for twenty minutes, it took us a couple hours to get you in the car” by now everybody was staring at me and smirking.

“Not my fault I hate shopping” I grumbled under my breath. I got up and tossed my rubbish in the bin, and started walking away from the table.

“Cat where are you going?” Liam asked my retreating back. I heard Lou answer him but I’m not completely sure what he said. 

I walked into KFC and stood in line, I watched as little kids ran from their mothers hands chasing there brothers and sisters around the cart. I let out a sigh as I watched their mother scowled them, everybody does it, even they did when they were a child. “Next” I looked up to see it was my turn to order.

“Hi, can I please get a twenty piece feed, a large Pepsi, two boxes of popcorn chicken, and a side of photo and gravy. Ooh and an extra-large box of hot chips” I said with a smile on my face as I waited for my food.

“Is that all?” I contemplated his question, I could go for some bread rolls…

“No thanks, I’m good” don’t need to be laughed at anymore then I will be when I refuse to share.

“That will be $34.55 thank you,” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a $50 note handing it to the guy whose name tag says Reirden, “please wait off to the right, your meal should be ready soon”

“Thanks Reirden” I smiled and walked to where I was instructed, after flashing him a quick smile. Once I received my order on a large try I made my way back to the group to see that Niall and what I think is Zayn, I can’t really remember.

“I told you she went to get more food.” Lou shouted at Liam once he saw me approaching, Liam grumbled something under his breath along the lines of me getting food…?

“Hey Cat, ooh you got me some lunch. I love you, so much Cat, you my friend are a life saver!!” Niall rushed towards me and grabbed my hand kissing it. I yanked my hand free, and walked back to h table yelling over my shoulder at niall, “you touch my food, I touch your guitar” with a gleam in my eyes letting him know I was serious. He quickly got up off his butt and joined the rest of us at the table.

Once seated, I opened up the potato and gravy, and poured it all over my chips. Then I grabbed the lid off the big bucket of chicken and spread the chicken out on it. I then grabbed the napkins and placed one on my lap and one tucked into the top of my shirt like a bib. As soon as I was done I grabbed my chips and started to munch away on them as everyone sat back and watched. I turned to Zayn remembering he was here, and yes it was Zayn. “So Zaynie boy, got any plans for the holidays?” I asked taking a sip of my Pepsi.

He gulped and stared at me then my food, and back and forth then finally landing his eyes on me and answered. “I’m going to go see my girlfriend, she recently moved to Westmeth in Ireland.” I stared at Zayn I surprise, putting down my food and drink I asked.

“You have a girlfriend? Since when? What the hell? Why didn’t anyone tell me? I thought we were all friends here, guess not. Whatever, then. How long have you two been together, what’s her name? Is she pretty? Haha that’s a stupid question of course she is, she’s with you isn’t she. Who knows? Are you gonna marry her, oooh can I plan your we-“ something was clamped over my mouth, stopping me from asking any more questions. I only now realised I had been rambling.

“That’s it no more Pepsi for you” Lou said sneaking his arm away from my mouth and heading to grab my Pepsi.

My nostrils flared, and I could feel my face turning red with rage. First he put his dirty hand onto my mouth, now he’s trying to steal MY Pepsi? I don’t bloody think so. “Don’t you dare!”

“Oh shit...” Lola said glancing between me and Lou who had stopped moving once he saw the expression on my face. “Run Lou, run!!” Lola shouted and with that, he was up and running. Me not far behind his trail. When I get my hands on the boy I swear to god, I’m going to rip every single hair off of his body, and make him eat it.

Just you wait Louis William Tomlinson, just you wait.

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