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I'm in Washington DC, everything reduced to rubble. From the White House to everyday houses, everything is raised to the ground. I walk forward until I see the Washington Monument. Half of it is destroyed and the other half is still standing. I watch as I see spaceships elevate two people up into the air and take off, dropping them somewhere I can't see. I sneak past them to avoid being caught.

Is this a dream or something? I don't remember being here. Well that's because I've never been to DC before.

I continue walking and walk past a lot of houses that actually survived suprisingly. People walk out with shotguns and pistols, probably to go after who did this. I hid behind a shrub so I'm not detected by those people. The only person who looks normal really is a girl walking in the crowd. I have a hard time looking at her features so I just ignore it. I walk past them and head for the Lincoln Monument ahead in the distance.

I walk past all the destruction until I can see the Lincoln Monument about twenty five feet away. It's surrounded by these horrific looking people. They have dark skin, bald, have scars on their cheeks, and are wearing a dark trench coat. They look like they're guarding something. Or someone.

There's a sign above the big chair the Lincoln statue was sitting on that says "New Ruler Of Earth". Lincoln isn't there anymore, he's replaced with a ten foot tall ogre-looking human. He's tan, has long brown hair, a beard, is really buff, and has a long staff that he's holding next to him. Kind of looks like Loki's staff except it has one long sharp part on the top with a hole in the middle, and a red orb looking thing in it that looks like it's not from this world.

He looks menacingly as he watches a line of people, all connected with chains, all clustered in one area. He motions one of them next in line forward.

"Speak." He says with a deep voice.

The same girl from the mob comes up looking scared yet brave at the same time. She looks worn out and horrible, her clothes are all ripped and are barely holding up. She's tan with black hair, she's wearing a sweater that has a kitten on it, kind of a weird fashion choice for the end of the world she's also wearing a skirt with too much glitter. It would probably have more if wasn't all shredded. She looks really beautiful considering her situation. I already have a crush on her.

I hide behind a destroyed building just in case so the big guy doesn't notice me. As soon as I hide, the girl begins to speak.

"I will never tell you where she is. Never!" She screams.

The big guy actually laughs at that. He stands up from his chair, and walks toward the girl. He's limping from something someone did to him, so he uses his staff for support for his bad leg. He walks up to her and has to bend over because he's so tall.

"I don't need you to tell me. She's already here." He says. As soon has he finishes says that sentence, he holds up his staff and the red orb starts to glow. It then fires a laser right towards me.

I had no time to react, it all happened so fast. The laser landed a meter away from me and I go flying into into the nearest building and hit the buildings' wall, then I land on the floor. Everything feels sore. As I open my eyes, I watch as the girl gets stabbed with the big guys staff, right in the chest.

She starts gasping for air, spitting out blood in the process, blood even drips down onto the big guys' staff and she start to hold on to the staff to endure the pain. She stares at him will dead eyes.

"Fuck. . . You. . ." She says with her last breath.

She must still have energy in her because she looks at me with a look like she's saying "run!". I just stand motionless from the sight of someone dying in front off me.

The big guy takes out the staff from the girl's chest and her limp dead body falls into the floor. No one in the line seems to notice, they look like NPC's. Then the big guy teleports directly in front of me, startling me. That's when I get to see all the details of himself. His entire left arm, which is holding the staff, is made of metal, he has a scar across his right eye, and his breath smells horrible.

"You're going to pay for what your people did to me!" He yells.

I immediately looked confused, I don't know what the hell he's saying. What my people have done? I ignore it because my life is a bit more important that what he said. I try to crawl away but I can't move. What is he doing me?

Then he takes his staff and holds it up in the air with one hand and it plummets right to my face.

That's when I wake up.

The Fall Of Us (Cancelled Series But It's Out There Now)Where stories live. Discover now