chapter 17

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Yo yo yo

Thx for ur questions and stuff :)

Next Q/A will be for story related stuff only

Ill let u know when the q/a will be up :D


God, I'm so dead.

The banging at the door continues as the woman, Celty, heads to go open it.

I shake my head, thinking of all the other ways I could have died.

Dying from a car crash, a heart attack,  spending way too much time on my phone...

Man, this suckssss!

Celty opens the door and in storms an angry Shizuo.

"What the flippin' [beep] were you thinking?!"

Aw fruck. Um... or I mean... beeeep.




This is just making my head hurt more...

I feel myself lose consiousness.


I find myself in front of my old junior high school. I see a tween version of me, walking to his locker. Once he gets there, there are a bunch of grafitti on it, saying some hurtful stuff.

Sigh, memories.

I close my eyes and open them to see a different scene.

Tweenage me is getting called names and getting beat up by some cliche high school bullies. Dream me is on the ground, being kicked by the two male students while a girl looms behind them giggling and filming the whole thing.

I feel tears drip down my face as watch the memory.


Suddenly, guy with a mop of black hair comes crashing through and laughing at the bullies, claiming that they're so weak themselves that they pick on the weaker to try and make themselves seem cooler and stronger. He continues to laugh even harder even as the one of the boys start threatening to do the same to the mystery boy. Soon, the boy has tears in his eyes from laughing too hard.

The bully from before goes to the other to make him "pay" for his laughter. He shoots a punch, but he ends up on the floor in a quick minute.

Dream me is watching with wide eyes as the other bullies run off after grabbing their "teammate." The boy with killer reflexes sits next to small me.

"Thank you..."


"Thank you!" Little me yells out with tears pricking at the ends of his eyes.

"Oh! Heh, it's whatever. I didn't really mean to save you. I just find that humans are very interesting..."

"Oh... Um, still. You saved me whether or not you meant to. So, I thank you for that. Is there anyway I can repay you?"

"Hm... Well, my parents keep trying to get me to open up to people... But it's dumb because the kids they introduce aren't very interesting at all. So, you seem pretty okay... Can you be my friend? So they can leave me alone?"

Tears prick tiny me's eyes again, "Yes! I, (M/N) (L/N), will be your friend!"

"Awesome! Nice to meet you, (M/N). Izaya Orihara at your service!" He winks to me.

Boring (Izaya Orihara x Male! Reader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now