ChApTeR ThIrTeEn

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(M/N) has feelings~ (he just looks emotionless :D)



Great... Ugh, fricking life had to [beep]ing [beep] all over my [beep] for Christ's sake...

Shizuo continued to rant as Kasuka brought in plates of spaghetti. He was as emotionless as me, but I could feel these vibes coming from him.

They were saying, 'You [beep]ed up, boy.'

I gave a mental sigh, 'I know, I know...'

Kasuka placed the plates on the coffee table and went to get drinks as Shizuo paced around the room angrily, stomping his shoes into the carpet. I knew I should have not continued my business, but what was I going to do with my skills? I mean there's no available jobs here for these particular set of abilities, other than my thingie going on right now.

Why must life be so complicated? Ugh... freaking hell, man. Then Kasuka brought in a glass of milk, (favorite drink), and some water.

He passed the milk to a frustrated Shizuo and gave me the water. I stared longingly at the other glass. Kasuka just stared into my eyes that said, '[Beep] no, mother[beep]ing.'

I looked away, a little annoyed, "Hmph..."

"Are you guys doing that staring thing again, because I swear to God-"

"Shizuo, calm down." Kasuka suddenly interrupted.

"Why should I?! (M/N) broke a promise and could of gotten hurt or worse!"

"Look, Shizuo-" I tried to reason, but was cut off.

"Don't, 'look,' me, (M/N)! You've gone to jail and trust me it's not fun! Or you could've gotten injured by the stupid flea since he seemed pretty determined to get a story! How could any reason at all make up for what you did!"


"See! I was right, wasn't I?! Like I usually am! That's why you should listen to your elders, (M/N)!"

"Ugh..." I take a sip of my water as Shizuo drinks his milk and slams the glass onto to the table cracking it. The table I mean. He cracked the table, not the glass. Well, yes the glass, but also the table. I should shut up now.

"Anyways, as lovely as this was, I should be heading out. Thanks again, Kasuka, for the invite and food. See you guys." I grab my spaghetti and walk out the door.


I rolled my eyes and sprint out. I run a while just to make sure he's not following me.

I start walking instead and eat my spaghetti. Mhm... Yum. I keep heading to my apartment as I finish my food. I'll throw away the paper plate as soon as I find a trash can.

I finally make to my apartment and throw away my plate.

I sighed, "What a day..."

Exams are coming... help ;-;

Boring (Izaya Orihara x Male! Reader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now