Tickling Torture

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*Six months later*

"Give this video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe! Bye bye bye!" Alfie waved frantically at the camera,

"Byeeeeee!" Marcus echoed in his familiar way as he also flapped his hand at the camera. Sometimes it's very peculiar being a YouTuber. Any normal person would think it was totally insane to be talking to a camera, but not us. It was our job. 

Alfie lifted himself up and switched off the DSLR quickly. He and Marcus had just finished filming a collab together while they were staying at my house and it had been absolutely hilarious.

We had all decided to have a Youtuber weekend and were gathered in the living room with pizza boxes scattered everywhere. Of course we had ordered pizza; there was no way I was cooking for everyone and who doesn't love pizza?

Present in the room was me, Marcus, Alfie, Louise and my brother Joe, each of us taking it in turns to film a video with one another. I must admit it was great fun. I couldn't imagine my life not being a YouTuber anymore.

It seemed like such a long time ago when I created my first video and I didn't even speak in it! And now I've reached four million subscribers and have met some of the best people I could ever have imagined.

"That's gonna be so funny to edit!" Alfie laughed, slumping down on the nearby sofa.

"I know right!" Marcus agreed, plopping down next to me. I felt the warmth of his masculine body hitting me, making me feel sleepy. So I gently rested my head on his shoulder and smiled sweetly.

"Aw is Zoe tired?" He mocked, wrapping his arms around me playfully. I nodded without saying anything.

Just then I felt Marcus' fingers meet my ribs and I knew exactly what was about to happen. He began to tickle me. I couldn't help but kick and squeal, desperately trying to wriggle away from him and pleading for mercy.

"Marcus stop!" I laughed, gasping for air. Everyone else in the room was also giggling wildly, even my best friend Louise didn't try to help me in anyway, she simply sat there chuckling.

"Please Marcus!"

Finally he ceased with his tickling torture and I took sharp intakes of air as I tried to regain my breath.

"I bet you're not sleepy anymore!" Alfie joked from across the room. I shot him a playfully evil look before straightening my clothes and sitting up from my crumpled position.

"Thanks for the help guys!" I said looking around at Alfie, Louise and Joe. Each of them merely shrugged as though they had nothing to do with it.

"When are we going to watch scary movies?" Joe demanded, folding his arms crossly like a small infant.

"How about now?" Alfie replied, grabbing the remote and beginning to flick through the choices on Netflix.

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