A New Start

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*One year later*


"Zo Zo!" Darcy babbled as she held out her chubby little hands in my direction as I strolled down the street with Joe, Louise and Alfie by my side. It was obvious that she wanted me to carry her which I found incredibly cute and I simply could not resist her adorable face.

Joe swiftly handed her to me from his arms, looking extremely proud that his daughter was starting to learn a few words. I couldn't believe she was almost 11 months old; the time had gone by ever so quickly.  I had to admire Joe as he had indeed become a wonderful father although I never doubted him to begin with.

"Shall I get us some bagels?" Joe suggested as we walked past a small bakery, I could instantly smell the scent of freshly made bread which caused me to agree excitedly. Recently, I had been getting certain cravings for bagels and they caused my mouth to water considerably.

"Okay! Let's go!" Louise grinned, grabbing his hand and skipping inside happily. They were a very sweet couple, it was hard to think that I ever considered them to be wrong for each other when they were in fact completely right together.

I turned to see that Alfie was pulling faces at Darcy while she was in my arms in order to make her laugh. I giggled at him, I noticed that he was very good with children which pleased me a lot.

"You're such a dork!" I teased, still watching his crazy facial expressions. Words could not describe how much I loved him right now.

Soon Darcy started to get bored and moved her attention towards me, grabbing my hair and getting it tangled in between her tiny fists.

"Ahh Alf! Help me please" I laughed, trying to loosen her grip gently. Even though she was only young, she had a strong grasp and I struggled to detach her.


Once Alfie had managed to free my hair from her, it was a terrible mess and the blustering wind wasn't helping at all. I couldn't see what I was doing and it kept getting stuck on my lipstick.

"Babe, can you take her for a moment please" I asked to Alfie before placing Darcy into his arms without waiting for a response.  He looked quite nervous to be holding such a small child but I found that incredibly cute.

I began running my fingers through the ends of my long hair in attempt to remove the knots that Darcy had created and was thinking about how long it was taking Joe and Louise to buy four bagels when suddenly something caught my eye. Or rather someone.

From across the street, I spotted Marcus and his new girlfriend who I believe was called Niomi, although I wasn't exactly sure. I hadn't spoken to him since the day he told me he didn't want to be friends. The two of them were simply walking along together, hand in hand and looking very happy to be in each other's company.

I was smiling to myself before even realised because I was so pleased that Marcus had managed to find someone nice as he deserved it. But what I did not want to happen at this point was for them to notice me, which unfortunately is exactly what did happen.

Well Marcus did anyway, he turned his head for just a split second and glimpsed at me from the opposite side of the road while I was gawking at him awkwardly.

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