Two Little Words

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"C'mon we are going to be late!" Marcus called to me as I gazed at myself in the bathroom mirror, adding the finishing touches to my makeup. We were headed to yet another YouTube party that was organised by god knows who.

Despite loving being a Youtuber, I couldn't help but feel as though I had pushed it into the back of mind with the current issues that were happening in my life. Also I didn't particularly feel enthusiastic about going to the party as I would have to cope with Marcus, Alfie and Louise all in the same room, I could feel myself getting panicked just thinking about the notion. It was going to be a long night, I was fairly certain of that.

I unlocked the bathroom door slowly and finally presented myself to Marcus, painting a smile across my face in order to seem slightly excited.

"You look amazing Zo..." he grinned before holding out his arm for me to clutch onto, which I did.

"Shall we go?"

We then made our way outside and for some bizarre reason we had chosen to walk to the venue as it was only five minutes away from our new flat, but as I had opted on wearing six inch heels, it didn't seem like a particularly fun idea.


It seemed as though we were actually quite late to the party as the lights had already dimmed and a chaotic mass of people filled the dance floor. I took deep breaths as we immersed ourselves in between the crowds, desperately trying not to have a panic attack. I didn't need this night to get even more stressful.  

Marcus and I strolled over to where Jim and Tanya were stood talking to one another. I refused to search around for either Alfie or Louise because I desperately wanted to make this night as bearable as possible and I knew if I saw either one of them, a whirlwind of emotions would overwhelm me.

"Zoe! Marcus!" Tanya squealed in her girly voice as she flung her arms around me gleefully, it appeared as though she had already started drinking.

"Hi Tan!" I giggled, giving her a small squeeze. Immediately she thrust a fancy glass of champagne into my hands,

"Here, have some of this it's incredible!"

I took a sip and I had to admit it was quite lovely. The taste was not too strong as I had expected to be.

Tan and I chatted for a short while, purposely avoiding the topic of the mysterious video as I still had no idea who could have sent it. Frankly I didn't care much anymore. It had been weeks since I had received it and if the mystery person was actually going to show it to Marcus they would have done it by now for sure.

The only thing I seem to be able to worry about is what may happen between Alfie and I. In spite of me accepting that Marcus was what I needed in my life right now, it did not mean that I could forget what had happened between us.

Suddenly the pace of the music changed and a soft, gentle tune began to play. I watched as couples flocked to dance floor, embracing each other and I wanted to groan out loud. I knew how miserable I was being, but the truth was I simply didn't want to be there. No matter how hard I tried to be positive, I just couldn't.

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