Nothing But Misery

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My world had just crumbled beneath me and I was powerlessly to stop it. The damage had already been done and now I could do nothing but admit the truth. 

"I'm s-so sorry" I whimpered again, allowing the tears to stream down my makeup covered face. A large lump had appeared in my throat, meaning I could not swallow back the tears.

Marcus did not say a word but merely stared at me; his eyes glazing over. The look on his face was worse than I had imagined and it physically pained me to look at him. What I had done was inexcusable, but I wanted this pain to stop.


I soon noticed that although many people were still gawking at me, some had begun to turn their attention to Alfie, who was stood on the opposite side of the room with deeply reddened cheeks.

I felt for him, I really did. He was probably feeling the exact same way as I was and even after what had just happened, I wanted nothing more than for him to walk over to me and tell me everything was going to be okay. Of course, that didn't happen though.

And before I could even do anything else, I watched Marcus as marched over to Alfie and cleanly swiped his large fist into his jaw, causing an awfully loud cracking sound to echo around the silent hall.

I heard several people scream in horror and the crowd dispersed around the two boys, knowing a fight was likely to break out. However Jim immediately rushed from behind me so that he could pull Marcus away.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Marcus yelled furiously at his now ex-best friend while struggling to free himself from Jim's grasp. His face was contorted with hurt and betrayal.

Alfie was clutching his face in agony, evidently shocked by the blow so he didn't have a chance to respond, not that he would be able to anyway. We never planned for things to turn out the way they did, our feelings towards each other grew too strongly for us to be able to stop them and our actions were unexplainable.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY BEST FRIEND?!" Marcus continued to scream.

 "I-I am sorry..." Alfie said slowly in a muffled voice as his hand was still clamped over his bloodied face. I almost winced as I saw the red liquid dribble down the side of his face, making my heart sink even lower into the pit of my stomach. This was all my fault.

"OH? YOU'RE SORRY?!" He spat, practically laughing "I'LL SHOW YOU HOW SORRY YOU ARE!" Marcus lunged forward to try and hit him once again but Jim held a tight grip to his shoulders and began dragging Marcus forcefully out of the room before anything else could happen.

"He's not worth it, c'mon!"

Marcus' angry cries could be heard for a few moments afterwards and everyone stood in dead silence.

I realised I was still breathing heavily even once he had been removed from the room but I simply couldn't help it and for a split second, I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I never wanted the truth to come out like this, not here in front of all my friends and fellow Youtubers. That had made things a hundred times worse.

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