Chapter 14

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DJ and I arrived home we put our bags away and we both said our good-nights.  As I was lying in bed the phone ranged. It was Paul. Hey Beautiful I hope you weren't asleep yet. Hello whose this? Really you don't know my voice I'm hurt (he laugh) I see I must call you more, It's Paul. Oh hi Paul I'm sorry my sister and I have been out all evening and I just didn't catch your voice how are you? I'm good thinking about you and tomorrow night. Really why? What what? Why are you thinking about me? ME are your serious? Yes, can't you tell when someone really wants to get to know you? Paul I pride myself in being able to connect with people and gaining insight about them. When it comes to myself I don't look at people as if they are trying to get to know me, I just look at people in general.   I deal with people's issues all day and I'm good at it, I think I've done it for so long I've avoided my own and made it ok. So to answer your question No I don't pay any attention when or if someone s trying to get to know me in any other  way but as a friend, counselor,  colleague or associate .  ME I can't believe you don't know how beautiful you are inside and out.  Ok Paul you've won the flatter me award for 2017.  I'm serious when I saw you at the club from the time you first waled in the door I seen noting but you. Your walk, Your presentation and when we talked I said to myself I really want to get to know this woman. I want to see if she's genuine or not.  I've met and I've dated a lot of women I'm not going to lie to you but I've never found or allowed (which ever one it is) myself to truly want to be friend and get to know a woman. No strings attach or stipulation or bed side manner expectations just genuinely want to get to know the woman.   I mean I can't tell you how long it's been since I've just talked on the phone to a woman more than saying I'm on my way, or other things that require a quick response that I rather not discuss. (lol) I get it no need. Thank's Paul for your honesty I'm really glad I've met you, hopefully in us becoming friends you can help me climb out of this bubble I've placed myself in not intentionally but I'm definitely there . Is that a formal invitation? (lol) cute... So are you ready for tomorrow night? I'm excited my team has worked so hard and I've prayed for someone to sponsor our program. So it is truly a blessing. Mr. Mrs Higgins are great people, and Micheal and I have known each other for a number of years, and we are frat brothers. Oh so you are an Alpha Man huh oh yeah to the heart "Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities". The Mission statement I'm impressed..  I begin to recite "It is the mission of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. to enhance the quality of life for women and their families in the U.S. and globally through community service, civil, and social action. Our goal is to achieve greater progress in the areas of education, health awareness, and leadership development. A Sigma Woman oh yes to the heart. You are a true Sigma Woman I must say. Thank you I take that as a great compliment. Good because it was given as one.

We chatted about our children, some of our craziest moments in college our parents. before I knew it the clocked said 3 am. Paul it's 3 am in the morning I've not talked on the phone at 3-am in the morning unless one of my families are calling me from jail or the hospital or one of my kids need to talk because they having a moment.  I haven't either not to a woman. I must admit this has been fun I've enjoyed beginning to get to know you ME I hope this continues. Paul I think that just by taking things one moment at a time and seeing where this goals but putting friendship first is a step in the right direction. Agreed. I've never had a female friend before huh well I mean they were either girl friends, booty callers, or a temporary ends to a means. I have to just be honest this is completely new to me. I've never really had to get to know a woman, most had already felt like they summed me up and knew exactly what they thought they wanted from me, and I usually gave them what they asked for. Sounds like you're saying  you were the victim rather than the culprit.   Now that I'm thinking about it I think I was. I can see how that can happen. Good night ME or should I say Good Morning I can't wait to see you tomorrow night. Good Morning and Good night too you Paul.

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now