Chapter 27

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No she didn't just walk her ass up in my place of business and literally tell me that her and Micheal fucked each other after he left my house. I was so damm made I was seeing red..That mother fucker I can't beleive this bullshit as I was trying to calm myself the florist came, delivery for a Mennettha Ellis I'm  Ms. Ellis please  sign here Ma'me these are for you enjoy. Wait (I read the card) Please return these to the sender but Ma'me, I will pay you for the return trip but take these back to the sender, thank you, Yes Ma'me.  I was having a great morning I Micheal Higgins  made up my mind to go all end with ME. I am going to call Lisa and really break it off completely , Jill my secretary knocked on the door with the 2-doz roses I sent to ME what's this Jill these were returned to sender sir, what would you have me to do with these keep them, (What the fuck was this!!! she sent them back really !!!)look I have to step out for a little while if anyone needs me hit me on my cell sure sir.  I was pissed how dare she send the flowers back who the hell she think she is.  That's whats wrong with women now they want you to worship and chase they ass. however Micheal Higgins don't have to chance no Goddam body and she needs to know that. Don't take my fuckin kindness for granted.  I was angry as hell but I was mostly hurt and puzzled whats happened to make her return the flowers. I was on my way to find out.. 

I was so angr yall I knew to do was call my sister. Hey DJ (and I went in) let me tell you about Mr. Higgins no first let me tell you about that THOT Lisa uuugh they make my ass hurt (I was just babbling) finally DJ said 'Whole up" !!!! breathe whats wrong?  You know that damm girl name Lisa the one that's always with Micheal? Yes, well she paid me a visit this morning to let me know that her and Micheal are together as early as last night. Huhh ?? I didn't  tell ME I just left Micheal office... ME wait what did she say? That (I was about to say Bitch but I said) Witch !!!! literally told me they slept together last night and I was like some pity charity puppy he's giving attention too. I'm not fuckin desperate and who the hell does he think he is???  ME calm down does that really sound like Micheal YES!!!!!!! It does!!! look DJ I'm not going to be the center of any ones jokes. ME calm down talk to Micheal it appears to me the helfer is jealous.. Jealous of what? Who? You!!! why me?It's obvious that cow went to see you because she feels threaten by you... What!! Look we are partners noting more!! yeah you keep telling yourself that if it's noting why are you so upset, because she brought her ass to my place of business with this bullshit and she's got me out of character..And you know he had the nerve to send me more flowers what the hell,ME what did you do noting I sent them back look I only need to work with him for the sake of my families and kids that's all I don't need anything else from him. ME why are you so pissed, because I'm tired. I just want to be left alone. I don't want anyone in my life but work and my family. I need noting else oh and difantely God!!! ME please reconsider everyone needs someone.. Not I.. Sis thanks for listening I think I'm leaving early today the kids are on winter break anyway and I need to get it together. Sure Sis see you when I get home. OK..  (I left to go home..  I needed to go and calm down).

Micheal arrived at ME's office to find the door locked and no one there. Where the hell is she?(He dials her number no answer, He dials it a second time still no answer) Is she avoiding me? Hmmm let me call her sister, damm It I don't know her number maybe if I called Troy.... Yeah I'll call Troy. (Calling Troy he answers) Hey Troy,Micheal Higgins here hi Micheal what's up? is it anyway you can call DJ and ask her to call me please.  What's going on Troy I'm going to be real I'm in love with ME please don't ask me how it happen or when but it has. Look man we already knew! What!!? yes hell we men know, and it was clear you were got. Damm that obvious huh yeah Bro that obvious.. so look I have to talk to ME she's trippin, no she's been hurt alot and I'm protective of her, she's a great person and deserves to be treated as the Queen she is, but unfortantely she's been with some ass holes. Troy if she lets me I want to give her what she deserves I want to be the King in her life but damm she's making it hard. You know notingventured is noting earned right. Believe me she's worth it.  I know man, I difantely know. Look sat by your phone  I'll call DJ, sure, and thanks Troy. Man just don't fuck up ok. I won't that I promise. 

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now