Chapter 6

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After Troy made his blunt and profound statement  a slow song begin to play. I went to walk off the floor and Troy grabbed my hand where are you going? Huhhhh look I don't want to kill the other ladies here that want the chance to hug up with Mr. Troy (AKA) Mr. Incredible (His Alpha Name)   look come on dance with me I don't bite I know you don't cause you know I bite back and I moved back towards the dance floor.... Gerald Levert was playing 'Baby Hold on to Me" We were dancing and we had a nice amt of space between us. Look, ME I'm not going to bite you damm so he pulled me close.. Lawd this man smelled so good.. ME you are beautuiful tonight and don't forget it. I am glad you're my business partner and one of my best friends. Thank you Troy, you are an awesome business partner and Best Friend, what did you say best Friend yes next to my sister you know me very well, and you've been there through the good, bad and the ugly andI so appreciate it. Girl be quiet before i show my feminine side and cry (we both cracked up and kept dancing too the music. Oh and you're not so bad with these dance moves either. (Shut the hell up, still smiling... I'm having suck a great time)  . Troy was holding me really tight and singing as we danced. I did found myself lying my head on his chest but that was  because of his height and the way he was holding me. He looked down at me and said "are you breathing"? cute Troy look I aint your cheerleader or one of your Groupies  so I'm cool.. What do you mean?!!! I'm not one of your THOTS so don't worry. ME is that what you think really? that I would put you or DJ in that category at all. I noticed the change in his voice it went from joking to semi serious. Troy I was just joking I know you wouldn't put us in that category but let's face it I'm not your type or anyone like me, now DJ of course . What you know something I don't know?  Troy's voice really changed, No but I think you and my sister have a lot in common you both just too damm stubborn to see it. (Troy got quiet and looked over at the table at Dj) how long have you knew? Troy I've known for awhile, why haven't you said anything to her? She's always with someone and she looks a t me like her brother not her potential man. Then make her see the Man not the brother in you...  The song ended , I need a drink and I'm hot let's sit down he leads me to the table. As we  are walking a girl grab's his hand and begins leading him on the dance floor  for another slow dancing.  I looked over and my sisster was looking at him strange and funny thing about it he was looking at her back... Maybe I just help open up Pandora's Box.

As we were sitting at the table laughing and trippin Micheal and Lisa walks in heads turned both men and women... Lisa was holding on to Micheal's arm with the death grip.. Letting the females there know that he was with her and they best recognize.  Both of them were popular in this club so you immediately seen the VIP treatment.  Song was over and Troy was going towards the bathroom when he ran into Micheal and Lisa. Hey Mr. Higgins, Micheal please , What's up Micheal they gave each other a typical man soul handshake. Troy right yeah oh I'm sorry you remember Lisa editor of Nashville Pride nice meeting you and Troy gently shook her hand... What brings you down.. we're celebrating thanks to your company's donation we are in the plus this year so thank you sooo much. Hey your team and Ms. Ellis do remarkable work I'm hoping we can sit down and come to some type of sponsor ship agreement name the time and place and I'm there. look I don't want to hold you both. Ahhh Troy you said the team who's all here Troy could tell he really wasn't asking about everyone only a certain one. But he kept it cool, ME and the gang have a booth over there I'm sure they all would like to thank you, come on I'll take you over. 

Lisa as they were walking toward the booth begin giving Troy the eyes. (That's that look a women give when she was expecting pleasure alone not business with company) .  Troy e had seen Lisa at the club and although too all men it appears she's fine she knows it and she's spoil and real men aint got time for that. Now if she want a Hit it and Quit it endeavor then we  can do that all day long hell we all grown let's do some grown up things without he game playing. We see Troy and some people behind him coming toward the table. Look who I ran into everyone said hi and thanks.... ME wasn't at the table... DJ excused her self let me go get ME she went to the bathroom but as she was getting ready to get up I came up.  That bathroom was one of the cleanliest public  bathrooms I've been too... Hello Ms. Ellis Micheal turned around hi Mr. Higgins how are you, we shook hands for a minute or two I removed my hand seeing Lisa right beside him with a bleak look on her face ahhhhhh Lisa right, right she said sarcastically nice seeing you again would you like to join us, Lisa quickly remarked ahh no we have a .... of course Micheal interrupted,  if we wont be an intrusion. No without your generous donation it wouldn't be such a big celebration. We added two seats and they both sat down.

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now