The Signs as People You Meet on The Internet

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Aries: the really morbid emo with a creepy obsession with death and dead things

Taurus: the kind-hearted but really shy weaboo who cultivates a really annoying persona of cONFIDENCE to try and hide behind

Gemini: the bipolar computer nerd who really aggressively cares about nothing

Cancer: the really angry sjw who goes on rants about everything all the damn time. he's right but...does he have to yell?

Leo: the world's biggest fangirl, all she cares about is cats and shipping

Virgo: the Mum FriendTM who takes it upon herself to cure everybody's depression with patience and kindness

Libra: the troll who shares increasingly weird porn with you and then tells you she's six and is reporting you for child pornography

Scorpio: the troll who pretends to be your friend and then doxxes you and your entire family and your granny and your dog

Sagittarius: the brony who posts pictures of his biceps and whatever whey protein thing he's on now

Capricorn: the stoner who will occasionally laugh about committing mass murder, but it's totally a joke...right?

Aquarius: the white supremacist who advocates genocide to appear edgy

Pisces: uwu remember to only ever address your cats with gender neutral pronouns always drink water intersectionality is a myth owo!!

-oh god i'm so not a brony but i'd say accurate for male sagis lmao

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