The Signs As Bad Lovers (aka the negative side of the signs in love)

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Check your Venus or Moon signs too! (if you don't know what they are, you can find them out here: )

Aries: Self-absorbed and Immature. They're selfish and look out for themselves before anybody else, including you. They tend to come off as insensitive and have a "suck it up" attitude towards emotions. They anger easily and take out their frustrations on you.

Taurus: Stubborn and Lazy. Incredibly scared of change to the point of controlling behaviour. Too stubborn to let anything go, using it against you every chance they get. They'll hold a grudge through the whole relationship. They need complete stability and feel threatened by even minor changes.

Gemini: Flighty and Argumentative. They need constant change and variety resulting in dismissive behaviour. They hate being tied down and fear commitment. They'll pick fights just to get a debate out of you. They spend more time charming new people than spending time with you.

Cancer: Moody and Defensive. They take everything you say personally and jump to conclusions. Incredibly jealous and manipulative. They'll victimise themselves anytime you do something slightly upsetting. They're childish and quick to upset.

Leo: Overdramatic and needy. They do anything to get your attention, including acting out or purposely pissing you off. They'll try to make you jealous and if you point out their behaviour, react unreasonably.

Virgo: Picky and Boring. They always have to be right and never let an argument go without proving you wrong (even if you're not). They're over critical of everything you do and say. If there's a flaw, they point it out.

Libra: Flaky and Flashy. They jump from lover to lover. They have to show off their partner but quickly move onto the next. They're incredibly indecisive and generally don't really know what they want, causing problems between both of you.

Scorpio: Possessive and Jealous. They're incredibly paranoid of their lovers and it results in jealousy. They accuse their lovers often and refuse to show remorse, often using excuses to justify their intentions. They're not emotionally accessible. and keep everything to themselves.

Sagittarius: Self-righteous and contradicting. They don't want to be held down as they're free spirits at heart yet they don't want you to be flighty. They jump into things headfirst without thinking it through, including decisions involving both of you. They can be rather dismissive, hurting your feelings by disregarding your thoughts.

Capricorn: Harsh and Insensitive. They tell the cruel truths that you don't want to hear. These truths can even be downright mean. They know the time for work and the time for play and scold you if you don't. They set higher than achievable standards for you making them difficult to please.

Aquarius: Distant and Aloof. They seem cold, keeping their emotions deep inside rarely letting you catch a glimpse. Often times, their feelings are a guessing game and you find yourself questioning their love. They act as though they're better than you and others.

Pisces: Manipulative and self-victimizing. They need your attention and affection constantly. If they don't get it, they immediately victimise themselves and guilt you into feeling sorry. They're incredibly clingy and are hurt easily, even if you're just pointing out a minor bad habit. They talk more about their feelings than they listen to yours. When they're upset they turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms and blame you afterwards. 

*And remember, these descriptions are only for bad lovers, not all people.*

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