The Signs When They Hate You

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*check mars & sun sign!*

Aries: Will start a fight or drama with u and there would be a lot of yelling going on. They will probably talk smack about u behind ur back and maybe give u some scary looks. They could get physical so watch out.

Taurus: Will talk A LOT behind ur back to everyone so that they make sure that ur a bad person. If u make them rlly angry they may or may not slap u. They will call u out when they get the chance. If they had a grudge for u, they would let it out. U might not even know if they hate u cuz they hold a grudge and wear a fake smile.

Gemini: They won't talk to you very much, and will probably try to ignore u and ignore drama, but if someone brings u up, then they will tell that person bad things about u. Maybe ask why u did them wrong.

Cancer: Will try their hardest to ignore u but probably fail, maybe even start to tear up when they r yelling at u. Blatantly makes rude comments about u or gives rude looks. Secretly loves drama even though they say they hate it

Leo: Won't talk to u unless u talk to them, talks smack to their friends and maybe spreads rumors about them to make friends hate them. Sometimes they'll purposely be mean.

Virgo: Will put on a fake smile. They will hate u and u might not even realize it kinda like Taurus in that way. Feels disgusted by ur presence and acts annoyed whenever u want to talk to them. After a while they'll tell u to back off.

Libra: Will probably make fun of u even tho u didn't say anything to them or look at them. Usually make fun of u for how u look. Will stare at u with a dirty look for a long time until u look at them, then they will turn away. They may even try to pull a prank. Will start drama.

Scorpio: Will plan to get revenge on u and have their friends help with it. Like libra, they might even pull a prank on u, and it will probably be a messy one to get u embarrassed. Will talk smack about u and will yell at u if they have had enough.

Sagittarius: Will call u out in a form of a long rant and will yell. If u do something wrong, they will yell for help, and maybe try to make themselves look like the victim. Will make sassy remarks.

Capricorn: Will tell u something bad about urself to lower ur self esteem, and will say it in front of others. Like Sagittarius, they will victimize themselves, or maybe call for help if u did something wrong. Could be tattletale.

Aquarius: Will give u full on silent treatment, no talking, and no looking. They will refuse to do anything with u at all. Probably will not start drama but everyone will know what is going on.

Pisces: Will always be mean to u no matter what. Even if u try to apologize, they'll accept it, but still be mean to u. Will point out everything wrong with u, will make it obvious that they hate u.

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