The Signs in a Relationship

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Aries: fast-paced; kiss-on-the-first-date type people. They don't enjoy the honeymoon phase.

Taurus: goofy; makes plans to do crazy things with their partner. They enjoy teaching their partner about what they're passionate about.

Gemini: rough; likes to change their partner's mind about things. They ignore their parter frequently and don't think anything of it.

Cancer: romantic; is completely obsessed with their partner. They want to do absolutely everything with them.

Leo: cool; dates for the drama, generally. They may get attached, but it will probably take a while.

Virgo: soft; gets upset when they don't know what's upsetting their partner. They give lots of kisses.

Libra: sexual; enjoys the physical part of a relationship more than the mental. Probably moves on fairly fast and doesn't get attached.

Scorpio: sweet; talks about their partner all the time. Generally they start liking someone because they liked them first.

Sagittarius: quiet; waits for the perfect person to come along instead of always searching. They're always scared that someone will leave.

Capricorn: anxious; is afraid to get attached because they fall easily. They like the idea of a relationship more than the act.

Aquarius: clingy; is extremely attached to someone before they make it official. It takes them a long time to get over someone.

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