What the Signs do when They're Drunk

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Aries: Yells "YAAASSS THIS IS MY JAM" at every other song

Taurus: Puts up a 300 seconds long snap story

Gemini: Says hi to everyone within a 10 meter radius of them

Cancer: Takes 400 selfies

Leo: Pees in inappropriate places

Virgo: Brags about how they never get hangovers

Libra: Yells "SHOTS" repeatedly

Scorpio: Texts their crush "heyyyyyyy" (the extra y's look cool, i swear)

Sagittarius: Falls on their face at least twice

Capricorn: Takes care of other drunk people, runs when vomiting occurs

Aquarius: Tweets inside jokes between them and the aliens at the party

Pisces: Goes and makes friends in the bathroom

-BOI tell me 'bout it

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