Aries: You have an appetite for destruction that cannot so easily be quenched, a heart so full of passion and rage that even the devil himself is entranced by you
Taurus: You are as grounded as the oldest redwood, you are too wise for your own good. Whenever the forest calls to you, you gladly answer back. You take off running in bare feet
Gemini: You are the child of curiosity, you expect answers to everything. You invest your time and energy into other people, you want to figure them out. For someone who knows so much about others, you hardly know anything about yourself
Cancer: You are a whisper in the wind, you are constantly moving and never looking back. Sometimes people question if you are actually real, or just a vivid dream they once had
Leo: You have a heart of courage and you show it on your sleeve, you stare death in the face and laugh. You are an open book with missing pages, the best parts of you are always hidden away.
Virgo: you are a child of the sun, the vibrant sunflowers entangled in your hair are nothing compared to the warmth of your smile. flowers grow in your direction and the birds sing when they hear your name
Libra: you long for someone to fill the empty void in your heart, but little do you know that you are stronger than anyone you will ever cross paths with. you are a hurricane, a force to be reckoned with
Scorpio: you have a deep desire to venture somewhere unknown, somewhere dangerous. you may have ice in your veins but your heart is filled with embers that are ready to ignite at any second
Sagittarius: You try to fill the silence with laughter because the truth is deafening, your wit is so sharp that it could cut through glass. Your astral soul is trapped in the wrong universe and you want to go home
Capricorn: You long for commitment but have issues with trust, you let them get addicted to you and then vanish without a trace. You are like rising smoke, here one minute and gone the next.
Aquarius: you are independent and refuse to come across as weak, you always have to accomplish things on your own. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders and you would rather be crushed by it than to reach out for help.
Pisces: You are a child of the sea, your body yearns for the water to wash away all of your current doubts and worries. Your mind is like the waves, both chaotic and calm. Do not let your emotions drown you, you are strong enough to brave this storm
-my ex asked me "do you ever shut up" and that's when i knew i had to break up with him lmao
Zodiac Signs 2
RastgeleThe sequel to Zodiac Signs! Another book filled with funny and relatable things about the signs that I found online.