My Personal Experience With The Signs

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This is based on my friends/people I've met in real life! (originally posted on my tumblr:

Aries: such a babe, so caring and lovely, we understand each other so well, so passionate about the things and people they love, always up for an adventure, if you hurt them you're really gonna have to fight to get their respect back

Taurus: cuddly smol thing, loves food and taking pictures of food, can strike up a conversation with anyone, prefers staying in over partying, v stubborn, likes driving around listening to old music

Gemini: soulmate, best friend in the world, so weird and crazy, party animal, often fuckboys/fuckgirls, never runs out of things to talk about, loves attention from the sex they're attracted to, sometimes it seems like we're telepathic

Cancer: the cutest, ridiculously funny, very shy but comes off as a bit arrogant at first, once you get to know them they're the best! them mood swings™ tho, wants to spend time with their s/o 24/7

Leo: so friendly and approachable, often has many talents and interests, always busy with their hobbies, can be savage and heartless when needed, often very dedicated to their s/o

Virgo: comes off as cute and innocent at first but is secretly a freak, so helpful and kind, random humour, often likes talking to many different people instead of having a committed relationship

Libra: LOVES books, very smart humour, so indecisive, always wants your opinion on things, even if you drift apart they will always have your back, falls in love easily, can be very passive-aggressive

Scorpio: often loves bands, is secretly very sexual and often attracts people easily, so happy and positive on the outside but often secretly sad on the inside, wants to include everyone

Sagittarius: (my sign!) loves parties, dancing and meeting new and old friends, gets crushes easily but doesn't fall in love easily, optimistic and adventurous, sometimes too spontaneous and impulsive, can be a real bitch sometimes and cares too much about what other people think, dirty mind

Capricorn: great with money, would do anything for their family and friends, very funny even if they don't always show it, can come across as quite cold and distant but are often quite silly once you get to know them

Aquarius: falls in love easily and doesn't hide it well, often great at sports and music, weird in a funny and lovable way, often takes care of the overly drunk people at parties/helps the host cleaning up

Pisces: connects with people easily and loves talking to everyone but is secretly very shy, often amazing in school with good grades, teacher's pet, falls in love VERY easily, so emotional and moody

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