The Female Alpha Hybrid

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Aleina POV

I gazed into the night sky as the fire burned dimly. I've been laying down by the fire for an hour now and the fire had began to extinguish. “I should probably go inside now,” I think to myself not wanting the peaceful night to end. I had a lot on my mind seeing as in a few weeks I’d be the first female to challenge the Alpha for his position. Theres never been a female Alpha in the thousands of years we’ve been on this earth. But I was different. Not only will I be the first female competitor, I am also the first and only hybrid. 

I grab a bucket of water and throw it on the fire. As the smoke rises, I take a deep breath in. Its my favorite childhood smell. It reminded me of my parents who I left behind in a different pack years ago. Memories of them flutter in my mind as I walk away from the burnt wood. “You had to leave them, it wouldn’t have been safe for them if you had stayed,” I say out loud to myself. My chest starts to ache as I think about how I left without a warning and couldn’t even tell them where I was going. I know it hurt them, but it was for their own well being. 

I run inside my house to get ready for bed. I step on the marble floor with my bare feet, the coolness felt relaxing. I make my way to my room and lay out a pair of lace under garment and a silk tank top to sleep in. I grab my towel from my closet and head towards the bathroom. I turn the fan on immiediately knowing how hot I let the shower get. Since my mother is a vampire, my blood is cold, but since my father is a werewolf, my inner wolf longs for the heat. Oh the perks of being a hybrid. Even my own body contradicts itself sometimes.  

The steam starts to fill the air as the hot water hits my back. My muscles begin to relax as I feel the sleepiness rush over me. I doze off standing up and wake up startled as I begin to fall forward. I catch myself just in time, right before my head hits the wall. “Whew that was close, I think its time to get out,” I mumble to myself as I turn the water off and drape the towel around my torso. I dry off and look at myself in the mirror. I’ve always been muscular but more than a woman should normally be. I never payed too much attention to it because part of me enjoyed it. I was strong. Stronger than both of my parents put together. I know I’d be a great Alpha. 

I walk to my room and air dry before I slip into my night clothes. I pull back my covers just enough for me to get in underneath. I pull them up to my chest and turn the lamp off. I drift into a peaceful sleep that soon turned into a blissful dream. 

The next morning I wake up to the loud beeping of my alarm clock. I open my eyes and glare at the clock. It’s 7:45, and I immediately jump out of bed. “Damnit I’m late!” I yell at myself knowing it was my fault for staying up late last night in the first place. I quickly throw on some dark blue jeans and a tank top and make my way down the stairs. I don’t have time to eat. Class starts in 15 minutes so I throw on some sandals, grab my bag and a banana, and head out the door. 

My house is only a few blocks away from the school so I jog instead of taking my car. I rush into class just as the professor starts talking. Its only the second day of the semester and I’m already late. The professor glares at me from the corner of his eyes and says “Ms. Aleina you are late," as he turns and faces the board. I find a seat and quickly and sit down so that I don’t disturb any more than I already have. As the professor begins his lecture, I immediately smell something different. I look around the class, not paying attention to the lecture, and point my nose up taking in the most pleasant scent I’ve ever smelled. 

As I scan the class I notice a new girl all the way across the room sitting in the back, right next to the window. No one else seems to notice her aroma, only I do. My inner wolf begins to whimper. “What now? What is your problem?” I question my inner wolf on why she is acting this way. Before she could answer, I forcefully ignore the whimper and quickly turn my attention to the professor’s discussion. I feel my cheeks flush as I become more and more uncomfortable. I indulge myself in the lesson and take down notes to get my mind off of it. 

“Okay class that is it for today I will see you tomorrow,” Professor Jackson dismissed us. I grab my books and neatly place them in my bag. As I get up a wave of electric rushes over me. It catches me off guard and I take a deep breath in trying to control my inner wolf. Its her. She walked past me without even glancing in my direction. “What was that all about?” I ask my inner wolf as she whimpers again.

Confused and dazed I walk out of class and see all eyes on me. Nothing new, it’s just the talk going around that I am challenging Alpha Dominic. Some try to hold their laughter in as I walk by. I hear a boy say “What woman would dare take on an Alpha, no woman should run a pack.” I turn around quickly and glare at him. Within in seconds we were eye to eye. His eyes staring back at me with fear.  I sniff him and grin at him allowing my canines to show. “I smell fear, and only a woman worthy of being an Alpha will create fear in any male.” He looks at me in shock as throw him across the hall into the glass door of the next class. Everyone looks at me astonished by the power I have. I shrug it off and leave.

Sophia's POV

I rush into the bathroom trying to catch my breath. I don’t know if I’m more terrified than I am intrigued by what just happened. My inner wolf is acting like she never did before. 

“Sophia! whats wrong? Are you okay??” I hear a high pitched voice yell as the bathroom door shuts behind me. She swings the door back open to come into the bathroom stalls with me. It’s my best friend Jessica. 

“What happened out there? Why did you run in here like that? Why are you breathing so heavy!?” She says in a panic.

“Calm down Jessica I’m fine,” I lie to her face. How can I tell her what happened if I don’t even know myself?

“Okay if you say so, but did you see what that girl did to Jason?!” She changed the subject dramatically. I relax with the subject change but still feel uneasy due to the fact that the subject still had to do with that girl. 

“Yes I saw it, he deserved it. He shouldn’t be talking like that to someone who may someday be our Alpha,” I say calmly not believing what I just said.

Her eyes change focus and she looks at me like she’s concerned. I shift uncomfortably knowing she can see my face flushing. 

“Does that girl mean something to you?” she asked with her eye brow raised. 

“Uhh no not that I know of,” I said while casually walking past her to the door.

I swing the door open and walk out as Jessica still trails behind me.

“Hey I’ve got to get home, my parents will probably wonder where I am,” I say to Jessica as I turn and leave to go towards home. 

Instead of going straight home I decide to take a walk to the forrest. That will calm me down. 


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