Chapter 11

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Aleina's POV

I listen for the door of Alpha’s office to shut before I begin speaking. When Alpha walks in after he shuts the door, he goes and sits in his office chair. With all this new information, I am pacing back and forth. At this point I feel like I’m ready to explode. But I know I need to be stronger than this. I will be the Alpha in just one day. 

“Okay so we obviously know that they must be planning on some sort of attack either tonight, tomorrow, or the day of the challenge. We have no clue what exactly they have up their sleeves but I feel like we have a good enough lead.” I say as I speed walk back and forth.

“Yes but they have to know Jessica told us everything…”

“You are right Alpha, but  they don’t know entirely what she’s heard. And by the way, Jessica said she heard nothing about that on looker who was watching me and my mate. After this is over I need to find that watcher.” I say trying to sort everything out in my head.

“Okay so whats the plan then?” Alpha asks me as he sits and watches me.

“You’re asking me?”

“Absolutely. I’ll be stepping down in a day and this will all be handed over to you. I suppose that means you should start making the decisions now.” Alpha says nodding to me.

Wow I can’t believe he’s just giving this to me without a fight. I know I can handle it. 

“Alright. Well I don’t think we should sit here like waiting ducks. I want to get a team together to go get my mother. After we have her and bring her somewhere safe, then I will deal with Chambers.”

I say, forming a plot in my mind.

“YOU will deal with Chambers? No. WE will deal with him together. He not only has crossed you, the new leader of our pack, but he has stolen and tortured one of my young pack members which is unacceptable and cannot go without punishment.” Alpha makes his point sternly and I don’t disagree. 

“He will die for this.” He says in a way that sends trembles down my spine. 

“Agreed. But first, my mother. I will go to find my mothers covenant to find the Vampires she once lived with who know her very well. I will tell them the situation and ask for their help.” the plan still forming as I speak, I try to explain to Alpha anyway. 

“Getting them to help may start a full on war between Vamps and wolves. It’s a very delicate situation.” 

“No, I will call the surrounding packs and let them know what is going on. The only war will be Chambers against us and the Vamps.”  I say, trying to get him to understand my plan. 

“We don’t entirely know which packs to trust right now. To tell them of the plan may cause us to be blind sided. Were the only ones that need to do the blind siding at his point. I think we should do this without any other packs knowing, we can always explain after its over or while it’s happening.” Alpha makes another good point.

“Alright, well are their any other pack Alpha’s you know for sure we can trust? We could use them as back up, if needed.” I asked Alpha hoping there was at least one other Alpha he trusted. 

“Yes. There are two that I can trust my life with. They are a little ways south from here but would be there to help in a days time.” He says with reasoning. 

“Okay, call them, have them meet here with five of their most trusted Beta’s. Have them here by tomorrow night and we will form a solid plan. I will leave early tomorrow morning to find my mothers covenant. It shouldn't be too far north from here. I should be back before dusk so that we can all meet and talk.” I feel my mind begin to ease as I start to figure everything out. I can’t let my anger take over, thinking everything through is the right and better way to do things. 

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