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Attempting to get Skylar to wake up, I tap her shoulder lightly. "Hey, Sky," I speak quietly, as not to startle her. When no response comes from the nearly comatose girl, I try again a little bit louder. "Sky, hey it's time to get up." Sighing at another failed attempt, I devise a new plan.

I quickly pad out of the room and grab two large pans from the kitchen. Walking back into the room quietly, I stand right next to where her head is laying on the bed. Taking a deep breath, I smash the pans against each other as loud and as fast as I can, almost wanting to cover my own ears at how loud the noise is.

Skylar immediately jumps as her eyes snap open. She makes an attempt to quickly get out of her bed, but instead gets tangled in her blankets and lands in an awkward heap on the floor with a thud. I stop banging the pans together and unsuccessfully try to hold in my laughter.

Skylar shoots me a mean look, "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

I bite my lip to told back a smile. "I'm sorry," I speak before putting on my serious parenting voice, "Oh no! Skylar! Are you okay?" I loudly exaggerate and drop to my knees next to her. I make a show of checking for any cuts or bruises and when I can't find any, I wrap her up in a big, blanket filled, hug. "I was so worried, god, I'm so glad that you're okay."

She pushes me off of her while trying to suppress a smile, "What's for breakfast?"

"Waffles, duh," I speak. Waffles are one of the only foods I know how to make.

"I hope I don't ever get tired of waffles," Skylar speaks, now wrestling to get herself untangled from the blankets.

"Me neither," I honestly say.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates from its place in my pocket. I pull it out to see a text from Camila. Frowning at the thought of our last encounter at the coffee shop and wincing a bit at the drunken evening that ensued afterward, I read the text slowly.

From: Camila Heart Eyes Cabello

Hi, can we meet up for dinner tonight at Salvatore's around 7? Very important.

As I read the text, a feeling of something not being quite right settles in the pit of my stomach. Quickly wanting to make sure she's okay, I reply.

To: Camila Heart Eyes Cabello

Sure, is everything okay?

It's only a few moments before she responds, but her reply does nothing to dispel the feeling in  my gut.

From: Camila Heart Eyes Cabello

Everything's good, see you tonight.

"Who are you texting?" Skylar asks, leaning over to try to get a look at the screen.

"Uh, it's no one," I tilt the phone away from her curious eyes.

"Is it Camila?" She asks another question, looking at me with her big, blue eyes.

I sigh and reach out to smooth some of her bedhead, "Yeah it's Camila."

"What does she want?" Skylar asks with a guarded tone.

"She wants to go out to dinner tonight," I respond honestly. "It looks like I'm going to have to find you a babysitter."

Skylar falls back on the floor dramatically, "I don't want a babysitter. I'm seven years old, I think I can handle being on my own for a few hours."

I pretend to think it over for a moment before speaking. "Let's compromise, we can look online you can pick out the babysitter. How does that sound?"

Skylar thinks about it for a dramatically long period of time before responding, "Deal, but only if you put chocolate chips on the waffles."

I smile and nod, "Deal."


Just something short that will lead into a more essential chapter.

Who is your favorite character in the TV show Friends? Mine is Pheobe.

Thank you for reading!

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