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I awkwardly shift my weight between my left foot and my right one in front of Angela's door. Would Lauren be okay with me doing this? I mean, she obviously trusts this lady to look after Skylar so I'm sure that she could stay here for a few nights while Lauren recovers, but at this same time, I want to step up and prove to Lauren and Normani that I can handle this.

Another thought crosses my mind, will this lady even know who I am? What if Lauren hasn't told her about me and she thinks I'm some sort of pehdophile trying to steal Skylar. I'd probably end up in jail right next to Alex.

I sigh.

Maybe if things go south I can just run like hell and hope that the cops don't get here in time to catch me. I nod my head once in confirmation to myself, that's the plan.

Stepping forward, I knock a few times on the door. I wait, somewhat impatiently, as I hear some noise coming from the other side. Then, the door swings open to reveal a small woman with short grey hair, maybe in her sixties, wearing a messy apron over her clothes.

She smiles at me, "Ah Camila!" She speaks as if we're old friends and grabs my arm, gently tugging me forward, "Come in, come in!"

I follow her lead and am met with an eclectic mix of hispanic heritage and culture lining the walls, the tables, and even the furniture. There are dozens of different shades of colors and patterns, but somehow it all manages to kind of work together. That's when I smell it; cookies. I lick my lips and frown a bit when I remember that we never actually had dinner.

"Hungry?" Angela asks as she makes her way back into the kitchen after closing the door behind me.

"Oh no I'm-" I start to protest, not wanting her to have to make me anything, but she cuts me off.

"Nonsense! Pizza will be here in a few minutes and the cookies are almost done. Do you want a glass of wine?"

I find myself nodding, figuring that she wouldn't take no for an answer on that either.

"So what brings you here? Isn't Lauren supposed to be with you at dinner?" She asks as she gets out some glasses.

"Uh, well..." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. "I wanted to talk to you about that-"

"Mrs. Angela," Skylar calls before she reaches the room and speaks again as she walks into it, "Have you seen my-" she pauses when she sees me, "Oh, hi Camila. Where's Lauren?"

"Um, I came to talk to Mrs. Angela here about that..." I speak, unsure how to explain the situation.

Skylar's eyes light with fear, "Is she okay?"

"She's okay, she just got a little hurt-"

"She's not gonna," she pauses, swallowing hard, "She's not gonna..die, is she?"

Angela steps in, "Skylar, dear, your stuffed animals are in my room. Want to play with them for a few minutes while Camila and I talk?"

Skylar wipes at a tear that has made its way down her face and nods her head dutifully, leaving Angela and I alone.

Angela gestures to the couch and we sit. "What happened?" she asks and hands me the glass of wine.

"We were at dinner and she got, um, beat up pretty bad." I try to explain.

"She got beat up? At dinner? By who?" she asks, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Um, by Alex..." I respond vaguely.

"Who's Alex? Is Lauren okay?"

"Lauren passed out and they rushed her to the hospital, I'm here so I don't know what's going on yet."

"So nobody's there for her right now?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Well, no. The pretty waitress from dinner went with her and I gave her Lauren's phone in case they have to call her parents for permission. She has my phone number too in case-"

"Wait...who is this 'Alex' who attacked her?" She refers back to her earlier question.

"She's, um, kind of my girlfriend, I guess," I try to sound nonchalant about it.

Angela's eyes get wider, "So what you're saying is that your girlfriend attacked Lauren at dinner, she's seriously injured, and you let a stranger ride with her to the hospital while you're sitting on my couch?"

I frown and sink back into my seat, "Well when you put it like that..."

Angela stands up immediately then and rushes into the kitchen to scribble something on a piece of paper. "Here's my phone number. You need to get to the hospital. I'll look after Skylar." She speaks and nearly lifts me up and shoves me out the door. "Call me as soon as you hear anything."

Before I can even nod, she shuts the door in my face. I sigh and hurry back toward the elevator, thinking to myself, that could've gone so much better.

Camila is trying :(
I just started watching grace and frankie on netflix it's too funny I would recommend it.
Thanks for reading!

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