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All my mind can process is one thought, what the fuck?

What is Camila doing? Who is this woman?

I'm lost in an endless stream of questions in my mind when from behind me I hear a gruff voice, "Oh, damn."

I turn to face the sound and am met with the sad brown eyes of the man that I presume was the date of the woman Camila was currently making out with. I compare his brown eyes to Camila's for a moment, wondering why hers are so much more entrancing before responding to the man, "Yeah, tell me about it."

"Is that your girl?" he gestures to Camila as I turn my attention back to the two women outside the coffee shop who have stopped kissing and are now currently fighting over something that I can't hear.

My cheeks flush red at his question, "Uh, no-"

"The blonde is mine, or well I guess she was mine. I should've known that Alex wouldn't be able to stay away from her. She has Camila under some sort of spell, I think."

"They have a history?" I ask, still keeping my eyes locked on the pair outside.

"Oh you don't know?" He pulled up a chair and sat beside me, crossing his legs and leaning back.

"Um, no," I spoke, taking in his demeanor, "You seem awful calm about all of this."

"I had been pining after Alex since we met in middle school, over fifteen years ago now, but I was never anything more to her than a good friend. After college, she started a teaching job at Camila's high school. I remember that since the first day of class, she was so much happier and I figured it was because she was doing something she loved, not someone. A few months after school had started, I walked in on them together in Alex's loft and once Camila graduated, she moved in with Alex and all was well. Right after Camila started her first year of college, though, Mr. and Mrs. Kordei were in a plane crash-"

"Wait, Mr. and Mrs. Kordei like Normani's parents?" I interrupt, trying to process everything.

"Oh, how do you know Mani?" the man asks.

"She is, was, married to my best friend, Dinah," I solemnly remember that it's now past tense.

"Dinah yeah, what a nice girl," he nodded, "I'm sorry about that happened to them."

"Me too, I spoke honestly, "how does this all tie in with Camila and Alex?"

"Well Normani's parents were the ones who took Camila in when her mom overdosed while she was in elementary school. She and Normani met through this program at the school where the higher grades read to the elementary school students and she didn't want her to end up in the system. When Nomani's parents died, Camila took it hard because it was the second time she had lost her parents. She and Alex started to fight a lot and eventually Alex kicked her out. Alex can be a bit ruthless and, well, controlling and Camila was in a dark place. Alex got lonely after a while and I guess I was her rebound," the man laughed lightly.

I was quiet for a few moments, trying to process everything still before I breathed out a small, "Wow."

Before the man could say anything else, Camila and Alex appeared before us, standing so close together that their arms might as well have been connected.

"Nathan, Camila and I have some," she paused and looked at Camila with a smirk, "catching up to do. I'll call you tomorrow?" She spoke as more of a statement than a question.

I looked to Camila who was smiling as she mouthed a quiet 'sorry' in my direction before Alex led her out of the shop.

A minute passed before the man, now known as Nathan, said from beside me, "Man, I really need a drink."

Pulling out my phone and sending a quick text to Fitz, letting him know not to expect be back at work for the rest of the day, I spoke out loud to Nathan, "I know a good bar not far from here."

He smiled, "Well, what're we waiting for?"

Small chapter with more backstory yayyyyy
College orientation is tomorrow i'm beyond excited
What do you guys think of the story so far?
Also, any recommendations for book to read on here?
Thanks for reading!

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