three: downpour

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chapter three: downpour

❝you could set this world on fire and call it rain❞

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you could set this world on fire and call it rain

Rosalie sat with her back pressed against the cool metal of the drop ship

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Rosalie sat with her back pressed against the cool metal of the drop ship. Eventually, the inside began to grow too crowded with the rambunctious teens so she was booted outside. Arthur and his newfound posse decided to take over Rosalie's tree as their own, which, in all honesty, upset her greatly. That was supposed to be her tree, her perfect spot. Certainly not theirs. Clarke and her adventure team had not yet returned, which worried the brunette.

She had sat alone all day it seemed, her back away from the delinquents. Her isolation had made the impending doom of issues yet to come from her father's reign on the Ark fade somewhat. She had had the last sixteen months to think about her parents and their deeply hidden scandals, but the quiet from her cell had made it that much scarier. Now she was on the ground, still alone, still thinking, but the drunken babble being passed from mouth to ear behind her made it easier to think, easier to forget.

Rosie glanced up at the now dark sky, the stars gleaming and glimmering against the everlasting darkness of space- a beautifully painted piece of artwork that she could now finally see how it was meant to be seen. The moon was full accompanied by plump clouds floating ominously by, silent whilst the blowing wind sent them on a spiral through the dark night. A breeze that could really only be felt if you were paying attention.

Finally, she decided to stand up and break from her bubble to see if things had calmed down from before and she was thoroughly unsurprised to see that all of the attention was back on their rising leader, Bellamy Blake.

There was a large fire lit in the center of the camp, near a clearing of trees. There was quite some distance between them and Rosalie, but she could still feel the excitement that the delinquents were feeling. They were buzzing with energy, laughing and hooting just like they had been when they had arrived a few hours before. The teenagers were all forming a circle around the fire, with Bellamy Blake at the center of the commotion.

At seeing this, Rosalie hesitated. She could easily give into the white noise and join the group. She was sure that they would enjoy her company more if she joined their celebration. But she didn't. As much as she hated to admit it, the whole situation with Arthur Payne had frightened her and made her that much more weary of being with the delinquents. She knew that she wasn't as guilty as the teens made her out to be and she also knew that she would either be applauded or shamed for whatever they think that she did. Rosalie wasn't willing to take that chance.

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