thirteen: safety

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chapter thirteen: safety

❝they raise you upjust to cut you down❞

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they raise you up
just to cut you down

Bellamy and Rosalie looked around the camp, although Rosalie knew in her gut that Octavia wasn't on camp grounds

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Bellamy and Rosalie looked around the camp, although Rosalie knew in her gut that Octavia wasn't on camp grounds.

The taller man stomped through the tents, stopping at Clarke's to ask her, like he did to everyone he stopped on the way over here, if she had seen his sister.

"You're up?" Bellamy asked.

Clarke looked up at the two of them in her tent before stepping out briskly. "Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep."

"Raven's flares should work," Rosalie said quietly, not wanting to make it sound like Bellamy's actions were justified. Clarke looked at Bellamy coolly, ignoring her statement completely as she said, "Her radio would've worked better."

Bellamy's jaw in his muscle jumped as he clenched his teeth. "Have you seen Octavia?" He questioned.

"No," she answered simply. "It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies."

"I hope she is," Rosalie said, catching Clarke's attention and making her frown. She bit her lip, preparing a long explanation before she said, "I've been going rounds all day. I didn't see her once."

"Clarke, we've checked the camp," Bellamy added. "She's not here."

Clarke hesitated. "Okay. I'll help you find her. You go to the dropship. Me and Rosalie will check the rest of the tents."

"Thank you," Bellamy said meekly. The blonde princess shook her head immediately. "Don't thank me," she said. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Octavia."

After yet another look, their raven-haired girl was nowhere to be found. A strange trait Rosalie saw in Bellamy, she realized, was that he refused to get scared. Not when Jasper was almost killed, when they realized they weren't alone on the ground, when Murphy was banned. The only response he took to was anger. That didn't change now.

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