eight: two birds

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chapter eight: two birds

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chapter eight: two birds

the apple never falls far from the tree.❞

Rosalie was off when she returned

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Rosalie was off when she returned.

After emerging from the cave, they had been met with Atom's barely alive body. Clarke and Finn had come just in time for them to humanely end his life. Charlotte was told to look away, however she gripped her small knife tighter and looked anyway.

When they returned, the same bombardment of questions rained upon her and the group, asking how they survived, what the horn was, if they saw grounders, which, as their so-called leader, Bellamy took care of.

She spent the next week barricaded in the drop ship with Clarke, Finn, Everett, and Monty. Octavia was upset over Atom's death and kept her distance and Bellamy's death promise upon their broken boy, Jasper didn't stand after the night in the cave.

Rosalie was feeling hopeful. Jasper was getting better every hour and stress was being lifted off her shoulders with it. That is, until Wells was killed. She and Clarke had made his final resting place, underneath a tree a little ways from the entrance of the camp. Everett had helped them. No one else thought of his death as that big a deal, it seemed.

Rosalie didn't quite know how to feel about his demise. Wells had helped her so much since she got to the ground. But she had only known him for a few days. She was grateful for him, regardless.

Now, she was here, staring down at the grave. His death was foul play, yet no one seemed to care. Bellamy had stepped in immediately and claimed it was a grounder, which seemed to ignite the camp with a sense of courageous dread. They were prepared to fight whoever they had to to not only stay alive, but to thrive. Rosalie just wished it didn't have to be the end of a life that ignited that.

She looked around the camp, a small smile meeting her lips when she saw Jasper leave with Octavia from the drop ship. She was laughing, leading him along whilst he stared around, ambling behind her, wide-eyed. Rosalie was happy to see her friend walking again. Jasper was so close to death yet he made it. He was a warrior and she hoped he knew it.

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