ten: vertigo

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chapter ten: vertigo

❝hungry dogs are neverloyal

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❝hungry dogs are never

They had been racing through the greenery, never stopping, scenery changing with each footfall

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They had been racing through the greenery, never stopping, scenery changing with each footfall. They had each had stumbled a few times, each of them in turn steadying the other quickly and continuing on.

Though Rosalie was fatigued- as she was sure Bellamy was, too- they didn't stop to take a breath, for the only way either of them were going to actually take a breath was the moment Charlotte was under Bellamy's protection.

Rosalie was sure she had never ran so fast. Her legs almost felt disconnected from the rest of her body, the small limbs kicking wildly front and back, moving her in one direction.

Before they had set off on their expedition, Rosalie was intent on finding the girl. However, as the pair ran through the woods, gaining scratches and bruises alike as they tripped on rocks and random sticks poked out of trees, she began to wonder why. She knew Bellamy's reason: Charlotte reminded him of his sister. Though Bellamy didn't directly tell her that, she knew it. Why else would he take such a protective stand for the little girl? He acted that way with Rosalie sometimes, she realized, just on a much smaller scale. More of a 'let's try not to die' ideal. But it was different with Charlotte. He needed her alive. It was his mission.

However, to Rosalie, what was Charlotte? Charlotte was a murderer, guilty. She needed consequences, Rosalie knew that. She reckoned Clarke knew that better than her, too. But the extremity of those consequences that Murphy and his group wanted to inflict on the girl was far beyond what she deserved. She didn't want to be the Council, killing those because they thought all the crimes they had committed made their lives, as the Chancellor had put it, 'expendable.'

Rosalie was already a product of the Council. She didn't want that anymore.

Still, her stomach flipped a little when they caught sight of Charlotte. The small girl was glancing feverishly at the moonlit forest, searching for something, although Rosalie couldn't possibly imagine what. Rosalie looked around for Finn or Clarke, the ones who were meant to be keeping her safe. Maybe Clarke had had the same thought process Rosalie did. She shivered at the idea.

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