Two bit Imagine

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This was requested by @BeatrixMorliva

(Y/B/G/F/N)~ Your best guy friend's name

"Hey (Y/B/G/F/N)!" I shouted from across the school hall, my English class just got done and school is over. I tried my best to walk through the swarms of people running and rushing to get home.

"Hey Bella! What's up girl?!" He kissed my cheek, this is something he usually does. "Ah, nothing, what's up with you?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nothing interesting how has your relationship been with Two bit?" He asked, suspicion in his voice, I cocked an eyebrow, something I picked up from him.

"It's good! Great actually! He's so sweet and nice! He's the best boyfriend I could ask for..." I answered, blushing from the cute moments we've had in the past. "Well that's great! As long as he's treating you right, we all good" he exclaimed ruffling my hair. I giggled. Oh shit!

"(Y/B/G/F/N)! I need to go do some shopping!" I said kind of louder than I expected. "Why?" He asked completely confused, I sighed. "Tomorrow is me and Two bit's 1 year anniversary! I need to buy him a present!" I put my hands in my hair and gripped it. His eyes said the whole answer. "Well!? What the hell are we standing here for?! Let's go!" He pushed me out of the school gates and into his car to go to the mall.


I bought Two bit a new blade with his initials engraved into the metal of the blade and some new jeans and shirts. (Y/B/G/F/N) dropped me off and waited until I was inside my house, I waved to him before I went inside. I put my purse down on the couch and grabbed Two bit's present and started to wrap it up in a medium size box that I found laying around. I wrapped it up in leftover wrapping paper from a previous birthday party I went to, I made up a little card for him too. I made my way over to the Curtis house because I know that's where he'll be.


I walked through the door to be greeted by 2 angry faces.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Steve growled at me, I was surprised, Steve was usually nice to me. "Wha-" I was cut off by Dallas. "Don't act like ur confused! You bitch!" I frowned.

"Why are you guys treating me like this?! I did nothing wrong!" I yelled. Both of them gave me more angry glares. "Are you fucking serious!?!?! You lying cheating whore!" Steve yelled. Tears brimmed my eyes, that stabbed me right in the heart. "I didn't cheat on nobody! What the hell are you talking about!?!" Dallas rolled his eyes. "You cheated on Two bit!" Seriously, what the fuck is he talking about?!

"Wha-No I didn't!" I yelled in disbelief, how could they think I would cheat on him. "Yes you did! He told us that a guy was kissing you!" I scoffed. "That's my best friend!" I yelled. "Oh! Even better! Then why were you kissing him!?!" I rolled my eyes, I'm getting tired of this. "Guys! He kissed me on the cheek! He usually does that! And plus, HE'S GAY!" I yelled the last part louder. Their angry expressions ceased.

"What?" Dallas asked in disbelief. I rolled my eyes. "He. Is. GAY!" I assured him again. "O-ooh no..." Steve muttered out. "What?" I asked for his sudden answer. "U-Um Bella, i think you might want to find Two right now..." Dallas muttered out, what? "Wha-Why?" I asked, completely confused.

"He's at the Dingo...with Kathy..." my heart dropped, no...he wouldn't do that...he said he loved me. "You're joking r-right?" My voice cracked, tears threatening to come out. They both shook their heads no, I sprinted out the door and to the Dingo. I rushed through the entrance and scoped out the place for him. He was sitting in a booth right next to Kathy, holding her hand and kissing her nose. Tears just started flowing down my cheeks and onto the floor.


I ran over back to the Curtis house and Steve and Dallas haven't left yet. I sat on the couch with both of them running to my side.

"Are you ok Bella?" Steve asked with concern. I shook my head no and tears just started coming down my face. I shakily handed the present over to Dallas. "H-Here, tell Two bit I said happy anniversary..." I got up from the couch and headed home.


Two bit's POV

I headed back to the Curtis house with my heart hurting, I really didn't want to kiss or hug Kathy. But Bella broke my heart, after I said I loved her she said that she felt the same way. She lied to me...
And on our anniversary...
I entered the Curtis house and Steve and Dallas have worried looks on their faces.

"What's up guys?" I piped up, they shot their heads in my direction. "Dude, you messed up bad..." Steve told me. "What?" Dallas sighed. " messed up big time, that guy that you told us that was kissing Bella, he only gave her a kiss on the cheek because they're best friends and, he's gay" I gasped slightly. "Well where's Bella? I asked. They looked at each other.

"Two bit, she saw you at the Dingo with Kathy...she came here crying and told us what happened, before she went home she left us with ur anniversary present, so here ya go.." Steve handed the box to me, I can't accept it, I'm an idiot. I opened it anyway, she got me a new switchblade, and clothes that I desperately need. Aw, now I feel like a total jerk.


Bella's POV

I sat on my couch in my purple sweats and my white tank top with a tub of chocolate ice cream. I was watching my favorite movie(A/N, pick the movie). I heard a knock at the door, I didn't want to see anyone right now.

"Go away..." I said hoarsely, but loud enough for them to here. "Bella..." I don't wanna see him, what's he doing here?! "Go away!" I yelled this time.

"Bella, please let me in..." I sighed, I still love him. I opened the door and he immediately wrapped his arms around me, I just stood there, I was to heart broken to do anything but just sit and eat ice cream. "What?" I asked. He picked me up and brought me back to the couch. "Bella...I'm so sorry, I didn't know that he was gay, I just assumed that you cheated on me..." I just looked down. "What happened to Kathy? H-Huh?" I didn't make eye contact with him. "I'm sorry about that too...I'm so sorry...Bella please forgive me...I need you in my life..." he placed a finger under my chin and had me look up at him. I just threw myself into his embrace and started to cry. "I'm so s-sorry that I-I made y-you think I was c-cheating on y-you, I-I shou-" he cut me off. "No, no Bella, this isn't ur fault, it's mine" He rubbed my back comfortably and placed kisses on my forehead in the process.

"I love you Bella" I looked up at him and smiled lightly.

"I love you too Two bit, forever and always"

"Forever and always" Two bit closed he gap between us and kissed me with so much passion.

Sorry this took so long! I hope you like it Bella! STAY GOLD!❤️❤️💕💕🍫🍫

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