Sodapop Imagine

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This was requested by HONEYMOON_23

Samantha's POV

I was walking to the DX to get some snacks for me and my friends. We were gonna hang out and we wanted to nibble on something while we talk. And I also get to see my amazing and wonderful boyfriend, Sodapop. We started dating about a month ago and I would say things have been going pretty great. We've only been on two dates so far, it kind of makes me upset that Sandy would leave him like that and end up knocked up by some other dude that wasn't him. Soda is the most kindest person ever, he even offered to help raise the baby and it wasn't even his...
Before, we were best friends, when he told me what happened, he completely broke down in tears. I hated seeing my best friend in pain and I had feelings for him then, but since Sandy and him were dating, I couldn't do anything. But that was a year ago.

That was then, this is now...
(I love you if you know what this is refering too...💓)

I'm glad that we are dating but I think he still has some doubts about it. He seems very cautious...which I don't blame him for. makes me upset sometimes that he still has some beliefs that I could turn out to be like Sandy. Of course, those aren't any of my intentions, if fact, I hate Sandy for doing that to my best friend.
I walk into the DX and it seems to be empty, thank god because I didn't want to see girls swarming around Soda. Except Steve seems to be behind the register.

"Hello, welcome to th-oh! Hey Sam, what can I do ya for?" He grinned, I waved back. "Hey Steve, is Soda in today?" I ask walking up to the counter. He nods his head. "Yeah, he's out back, c'mon" he waves his hand for me to follow him, I obey. We start walking and I see him nowhere. I look at Steve and he seems just as confused as me.

"Hmm? That's funny...he was just back here 5 minutes ago..." I look into one of the back closets and he wasn't there. It seemed that Steve had the same idea as me and we collided into each other, with me falling on top of him.

"A-Ah! S-Sorry, Steve!" He looks away awkwardly. "Ur fine Sam, ok now let-".  "What the hell Sam?!" I look up only to see a broken-hearted Soda, I eyes widened and I quickly got up off of Steve. "Soda! Please, it isn't what it looks like! We were looking for and we accidentally collided with each other! We weren't d-".

"Save it, Sam!" He cut me off, my eyes started filling with tears. "I knew I should've trusted my gut but I just didn't listen to it....we're done.. " he walked off, I went after him. "Soda, please!" I grabbed his arm, he pushed me off, I lost my balance and fell down on my side. I yelped of pain and looked up at him with red, tear-filled eyes. He just looked at me for a mear second and then ran off. I grabbed my side, it hurt real bad. Steve ran out of the store.

"Oh my-Jesus Christ! Are you ok?! I'm so sorry Sam!" He apologized and helped me up. I started to cry my eyes, I just lost Soda...but it wasn't Steve's fault. "Its ok Steve...ur not at fault here..." I just sadly smiled at him, he frowned. "I'll go talk to him, and if necessary, knock some sense into him..." I only half grinned. "Thank you Steve, but...I don't know if he'll believe either of us right now.." I sadly admitted. Steve just shook his head and locked up the DX, he started chasing after Soda. I shook my head this time and just started walking home, while holding my side.


It's been 4 hours since the incident earlier this afternoon, it was 8 pm. I was in my PJs, my side was bruised and I took some painkillers to help. I was watching TV in the living room, my parents had gone to a friend's house. They asked me if I wanted to go but I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. I was wrapped in a blanket and somewhat enjoying this drama film. I was too indulged into the movie that I didn't hear someone sit next to me.

"Sam..." I got scared and jerked my head to whomever just called my name. It was Soda. "Soda!? How did you get inside?!" I asked startled, he pointed towards the hall. "I remember that you leave ur bedroom window open at night..." I blushed of embarrassment, I shook my head from the thought. "What are you doin' here Soda....?" I ask softly, tears start to form in my eyes. "Sam...I'm a god damn asshole, I hurt you out of anger and pain...Steve explained to me what happened...I'm so sorry I didn't believe you..." He scooted towards me, I just let him hug me but I forgot about my bruise on my side. I winced of pain and Soda immediately brought his hands back. "Let me see please...Sam?" He asked in a warm, loving tone. I slowly nodded my head and lifted my shirt enough just to expose my side. He lightly gasped and ran the tips of his fingers against my ribs and side. "Oh god...I'm so...sor-". "Stop!" I cut him off. He just shut his mouth. "I don't wanna hear you say I'm sorry, tell me and mean it...that your not gonna leave me ever again, Soda...I'm not like her, please believe that..." I said desperately. He warmly smiled and gave little pecks to my bruised side. He nodded his head and pulled me into his warm embrace.

"I promise, that I won't ever leave you again, and I truly believe that ur not like her...".

Sorry this came out so late! Hope you liked this! Just one more imagine to go until this book is done!

Love ya guys! STAY GOLD!💘💘💘😘😘😘😊😊😊

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