Chapter 8: Stay

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/Prince's p.o.v./

I was in the kitchen finishing up some pancake batter I had just mixed when Anxiety walked in behind me.

"Pancakes?" He asked casually looking around the counter space.

I chuckled slightly. He's so cute when he's all tired and groggy in the morning. He seems so much less alert, and even seems a little confused. Adorable. "Yes, I felt in the mood. Is that okay?"

"Of course." he yawned immediately after speaking, scratching the back of his head. His eyes remained half closed as he continued. "Who doesn't like pancakes?"

I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him. I placed a hand to his cheek making him look at me. "You seem tired..." I trailed off with a worried frown. "Did you sleep well?"

He widened his eyes slightly at my sudden contact, he then uttered a pout like growl his eyes looking away. "Well enough. Geez you don't have to get all worried all the time..." He was talking like he was annoyed, but I noticed the slight blush dusting his cheeks.

"I can't help it." I smiled placing my hand on his hip and pulling him toward me.

He jumped slightly, looking back to me with surprise, his hands instinctively meeting my shoulders. He watched with curiosity as I continued. He didn't say a word.

"You're so easy to worry about." I whispered. I used my other hand to gently stroke back his messy bangs, and started to lean in.

He still seemed kind of confused, but let his eyelids close slowly as I got closer.

"I smell PANCAKES!" Patton exclaimed popping into the room.

Before out lips could meet Anxiety gave a small like squawk like sound, jumping away from me quickly, almost running into the wall behind him. He grabbed his heart, panting slightly from the scare.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh and then turned toward Patton, who looked confused and completely oblivious. "Good nose. That's why I made extra." I went back to cooking.

"Great!" Patton chirped returning back to normal within seconds. "I'll go get Logan!"


I was sitting with Anxiety on the couch a little while later that same day. There was something playing on Netflix, but it was honestly just background noise as we conversed over silly little things.

I was tracing the lines on his palm with my finger casually as I spoke. "You seemed pretty embarrassed when Patton walked into the kitchen this morning." I smirked at him. "It was pretty cute."

He growled, obviously not liking the fact I called him cute. He pulled his hand away. "Tell me something." He crossed his arms. "Are you only saying that because we have the same face?"

"Pft. No! Of course not." I laughed. "It may be correct that I'm truly magnificent, but you yourself really are truly adorable." I couldn't help but smile as he blushed. "How about you then? Do you only like me because I look similar to you?"

He clicked his tongue in a sarcastic laugh. "You're kidding right?" He raised an eyebrow, and his voice took a teasing tone. "I mean come on, do you really expect me to like you for your obnoxious personality."

"Oh shut up!" I exclaimed playfully, pushing him back on the couch and crawling on top of him. I held myself above him, both of my hands resting on either side of his head. "Must you always act like such a stubborn anime character."

He smirked at that the sarcasm not dropping from his tone. "I'll stop if you stop acting like such an arrogant one."

"You're annoying..." I teased quietly moving my face closer to his.

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