Chapter 14: Found, But Not Yet Saved

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/Roman's p.o.v./

"Roman?! Roman?!" I heard a voice calling out to me faintly before getting louder. "Roman, wake up!"

I blinked my eyes open to see Patton hovering above me.

"Oh thank God." He smiled upon seeing me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." I replied quietly. I sat up for, my floor slowly grabbing my sore head.

"What happened to you?" I notice Logan kneeling beside him.

"Depression did something..." I replied, before my eyes widened. "Virgil?!" I shot up to my feet.

"He's missing." Logan stopped me before leaving out the door. "I've done some research and I think I know where we can find him."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Lets go."

"Wait." Logan said. "We know now how dangerous Depression is, we need to tread carefully."

"Oh trust me..." I gritted through my teeth, clutching my sword at my side. "I intend to tread carefully."

"Fine then I'll take us there, but I have to warn you that where we are going is full of nothing, but darkness and suffering..." Logan warned.

Me and Patton didn't even hesitate to follow him. The thought of saving Virgil was all we needed.


/Virgil's p.o.v./

Oh god...

I thought as I curled up on the cold hard floor.

Please help...

I felt my body shaking on it's own, I couldn't stand, I could hardly move. I couldn't cry out either. All I could do was lay there helplessly.

I was surrounded by darkness in a place I myself didn't even recognize. It filled me to the absolute brim with fright.

Oh god please!


My eyes shut, my body hurt, the only movement I could make was my shivering. Somebody please... if not me somebody has to help them, and help Thomas, before it's too late... My eyes remained closed like they wanted to stay that way forever.

Suddenly I heard voices... faint, but still present, and growing near.

"I don't care where Depression is, finding Virgil comes first." Roman's voice sounded.

I forced my eyes open at the sound of it. "Roman..."

"Virgil?!" Patton exclaimed as him, Roman, and Logan rounded the corner and ran up to me as my eyes closed again. "Oh my God, my son!" He kneeled down, pulling me into his arms and using his cardigan to cover me slightly as he felt my cold skin. I still felt weak it was hard to speak. "Wha-what's wrong with him?"

"Depression drained his power." Logan said in worry feeling my forehead. "Not yet completely, but he doesn't have much left, and it's still slowly leaving him."

"How do we stop it?" Roman asked in slight panic.

"By stopping Depression." Logan replied sounding angrier than I'd ever heard him before.

I coughed forcing my eyes open again.

"Virgil!" Patton smiled down at me. There were tears sitting in the corners of his eyes threatening to spill over.

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