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Please read there's an important message for all of you.

Hey everyone so the art deadline for the whole Melly thing was yesterday, but if you still wish to send me art later on feel free! I can always add it to the book later. I'll leave the bit of information for that at the end of this.

I'm so happy you all enjoyed this so much. Honestly the only reason I think I finished so quickly is because of all your support. It made me so happy to see all of your comments every time I update, and even still! And I struggle with happiness sometimes, so thank you for bringing joy into my life.

I know some people were a little upset at how I portrayed the character of Depression, or how badly I made him treat Virgil, but I was trying to be realistic about it. I felt a need to portray how actual depression affects you and some ways you can "defeat" it. I have it and I probably should have spoken out about it and gotten help, but just like Virgil I was scared. And not just for myself, but for others. I didn't want to hurt anyone by letting them know I was in so much pain, and I still do feel that way. Somdays are worse than others. I've gotten a bit better with talking to friends or you guys, but ask me to tell an adult and I'll completely refuse. Like I said it's a bit better but I struggle still. I was trying to show how badly depression really makes you feel. It tricks you, lies blatantly and yet you believe, it tells you you aren't good at anything, useless, and there is no good whatsoever in the world, it can make you do horrible things, lash out, push people away, hurt them or yourself, and worst of all it makes you feel like your weak because of it. which you're not. I don't think things are hopeless, but I can't just fully get over something like this no one can, and if you want any advice I can give some, even if it's a bit hypocritical. TELL SOMONE, GET HELP, don't be like me. Im lucky I have the few people in my life that I do or to be honest I wouldn't be here.

On a much more cheery note! I will be writing a new book. It'll probably be fairly short, but it'll be about Melly being introduced into the gang. I'll try to have the first part up as soon as I can.
Feel free to check out my other works, I'm part of many fandoms, and have a Prinxiety oneshots book as well as a full length Logicality book.

One last thank you, and I love you all just the way you are. 💜

Art details:

ARTISTS if you would be so kind as to draw me Melly or Melly being part of the family I'd greatly appreciate it.
And don't worry even if not on the cover I can use your art still ^^
{I should mention Melly wears silver, thin rectangular glasses}
The rest of his appearance is in the epilogue where he's introduced.
Also I'm gonna give you almost complete freedom on your art. It can be happy, sad, silly, I really don't care, but just send me your art!

Just send me a link in my messages or my Instagram is how_to_fangirl101

No deadlines this time, even if I finish the next book.

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