Chapter 12: Falling Apart

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Shits about to go down... that's all I'm saying.

/Virgil's p.o.v./

I blinked awake the next morning to see that I was in my bed, but the space next to me, that was once occupied by Roman, was empty. I sat up rubbing my eye, and noticed the note sitting on his pillow.

Dear Virgil,
I had to meet up with Thomas this fine morning, but I promise I will see you soon this evening.
P.S. I love you ❤️

I felt myself smile slightly and I held the not close to me. "I love you too..." I whispered, clutching the paper tightly. I understand I can't be with him all the time, but now everything feels so wrong when he's gone. It feels... lonely.

"You shouldn't have to deal with the heartbreak when things end, or he finds someone else to toy around with..." Depression's previous statement popped in my mind.

I shook my head trying to push the thought away.  No that won't happen...

"He only cares about you out of pity."

No! I snapped my eyes open. I can't be thinking this right now... I can't be alone... I placed the note back down and began to dress and get semi-ready, before leaving my room.


I couldn't find Patton anywhere, and after a long while of looking I decided to see if Logan was free.

"Logan." I was happy to see he was already walking my way down the hall. "Hey, you want to hang out together today, also have you seen Patton? I can't find him."

He flinched slightly when he saw me, which I didn't think much of, just that I'd startled him by suddenly appearing. Then he looked away from my face and to the wall beside us, seeming less enthused than usual. "No I um... have not."

"Oh, maybe he's with Roman and Thomas." I replied. "So um, do you want to do something?"

"Um... about that..." he shuffled weirdly. "I don't actually. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I'd like to be friends, but I don't. I may have felt a bit bad for you before, but I've seen the error of my ways. I don't want to talk, or even spend time with you at all anymore."

"Wh-what?" I asked my eyes widening. "Come on that's not funny..."

"It wasn't meant to be." He replied narrowing his eyes at me.

What? I felt my legs begin to shake. Why? Why would he say this? Am I dreaming? "I don't- I don't understand. Why?"

"Because." He snapped. "Your always so monochromatic and dismal. It's obnoxious to be around. I don't know how Patton and Roman can even stand you, much less how Thomas can."

"L-Logan..." I managed feeling the tears form in my eyes at the words.

He rolled his eyes, looking down with a sigh that I couldn't tell if it sounded like he were in pain, or just thoroughly annoyed.
"Don't call me that, you don't have the right to call me by my real name."

"B-but... what did I do?" I asked feeling the tears finally slip free.

He paused keeping his eyes to the floor before he looked up, still not able to keep eye contact. "You existed." He replied harshly before brushing past me roughly and disappearing into his room.

I stood there in shock tears rolling down my face. No... this can't be real it has to be some kind of joke...I'm going to wake up right? Right. But I knew I was already awake. What just happened really happened. I felt my test tighten as I fell back against the wall in tears.

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