Chapter 10: love

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I should probably say now that you will only need to be sprinkled with a small amount of holy water after this chapter, not be bathed in a lot of it or anything.
Interpret that the way you want.
Nah though there's some fluff.

/Anxiety's p.o.v./

I rolled over a few hours later to find Prince was no longer by my side. It was dark out now, but he'd left his star lights on, and there was soft music playing quietly in the background. I yawned.

Where's Princey..?

Just as I though that the door to his adjoining bathroom opened he and a cloud of steam following behind emerged. "Oh hey you're awake."

It was then that I realized he only had a towel held around his waist, and a smaller one dangling from his head. There were small beads of water rolling down his face and chest. I was glad that I wore white foundation and it was moderately dark in the room because if not it would be pretty obvious that my face was redder than Rudolph's nose. "And you're naked." I squeaked after the words, that I wanted to keep to myself but blurted out, left my mouth. WHY THE HELL DID I JUST SAY THAT?! Ugh I'm so stupid... I pulled the covers up to hide half of my face out of embarrassment.

His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, but he laughed despite it and grabbed somethings from inside his dresser. "I'll be right out and then we can eat some leftovers. You were asleep for a long time I bet you're hungry." With that he went back into the bathroom closing the door.

I gently threw the covers to the side and swung my feet around the side of the bed. What time is it? I noticed Prince's phone sitting on the bedside table and clicked the home button. 9:15. I slept for over 8 hours and didn't wake up once? It must have been because he was with me...

I looked over when I heard the door open and a fully clothed Prince walked out. "You ready?"

"Yeah..." I replied standing up. He hasn't said anything about what happened. Why hasn't he said anything? Like I know it would make things easier for me to hide if he didn't, but it's strange that he hasn't. I panicked in my mind as we left his room.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I felt his warm hand wrap around mine as we began walking down the hall.

I looked down at them and let my fingers wrap around his as well.

"Did you stay with me that entire time?" I asked.

He nodded. "Up until I got up to take a shower. I got a few extra hours of sleep myself so I'm not complaining."

When we reached the kitchen our hands separated again. I went to grab the glass plates and he got the left overs out of the fridge. It was silent as we prepared the two plates.

I had just put the first one in the microwave and started it on two minutes when Prince spoke. "Anxiety?"

I stiffened at his serious tone and slowly turned around looking to the ground. "Yes?"

"What... what happened before?" He asked carefully. "I mean that didn't seem anything like a panic attack. It was like a... break down..."

"I don't really know what it was, but I'm fine now." I replied.

"Are you though?" He asked. "I mean what you said... 'I don't want to feel this way anymore'... what was that supposed to mean. Surely you wouldn't just say it out of no where."

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