Chapter 3: Growing Relations

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/Anxiety's p.o.v./

I had just finished having some left over pasta for my dinner.
I couldn't help it it was that good...

Prince walked into the kitchen and chuckled when he saw me clearing off my plate. "Wow I'm glad that you enjoyed my cooking so much."

"Don't let it go to your head Princey." I rolled my eyes.

He laughed as I turned around.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You have sauce in your face." He pointed it out.

I tried wiping it away despite not being able to see it. "Did I get it?"

He laughed shaking his head as I tried again. "Here." He stepped toward me using his thumb to wipe it off of my bottom cheek, near my lip.

I looked at him with curious eyes as he let his hand linger there. Why isn't he pulling away. I looked to his eyes my heart skipping a beat. And why is he staring at my lips? What is he thinking?

As if realizing what he was doing he jolted up, his body stiffening as he retracted his hand quickly. "S-sorry. That was probably weird..." His cheeks were tinted pink.

"It's fine..." was all I could manage. I place my hand over the spot where he touched. That's weird... his hand's gone, but it still feels warm.

He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I was actually looking for you."

"Oh? Why?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join me in watching a Disney movie." He replied.

" sure." I replied.

"Great." His smile expanded slightly as we walked to the living room.


/Prince's p.o.v./

Me and Anxiety had chosen to watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame because Anxiety licked the darkness in it and it admittedly had one of the best soundtracks for me.

It was over before I knew it, the story pulling me in so deep it was almost a surprised when it ended, even if I'd seen it before.

"See now that is a classic." Anxiety nodded approvingly. "No Princes or princesses and music that actual isn't too annoying after it's played constantly."

"Oh great back at it again with the Prince hate." I shook my head, this time my tone being more teasing then aggressive like usual.

"I can't help that most of them are portrayed as stupid or not respectable to consent." Anxiety looked to me.

"Uh I take great offense to that." I put and hand to my heart trying to act mortally wounded. "Fine I'll prove to you that isn't true and propose we watch The Little Mermaid next. Prince Eric was neither of those things."

"Maybe, but bleh he's so bland." Anxiety made a face of disgust.

"He was not!" I defended.

"Okay maybe that's an opinion, but he was kind of a douche. I mean come on you say you're looking for the right girl, one you can find true love with, and then you only pick one based entirely on how good their singing was. Also not to mention another Prince who can't remember the face of the woman he supposedly loves." Anxiety continued.

"Oh come on, he loved her cause she saved him, and he was just coming to when he saw her, his vision was blurry." I debated.

"He was still bland." He smirked.

"Do your seriously hate all Disney Princes?" I asked with a huff.

"I never said I hated them, but none are the perfect Prince Charming people make them out to be." He shrugged.

"That isn't true." I replied.

"Really okay." He pulled his phone out. "Let's look up a list of the Disney Princes and I bet you I can find a major flaw about all of them."

"Nope." I snatched his phone away. "I'm not playing this cynical game again."

"Princey! Give me back my phone!" He shouted defensively.

"Awe why?" I laughed, pulling it back as he tried to grab it. "Do you have some dirty secrets on it?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"What, no!" He shook his head. "But it's my phone I want it back."

He tried to reach for it again, so I stood up on top of the couch holding it high in the air.

"Not funny." He stated standing too. He reached for it but I grabbed his arm gently turning him around and holding him there. "Let me go pretty boy."

"Say please~" I demanded in a teasing voice.

"You-" he stopped as Logic walked in the room giving us a strange look. "What are you looking at?"

"I'm not going to even inquire about your current peculiar situation, and am instead going to continue my journey back to my room." He sighed turning around and walking away.

There was a small silence after he left.

"Come on let me go." He grumbled.

I gave him a look.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked to the opposite wall. "Please..."

I let him go and handed him his phone.

"You're such a child." He pouted slightly.

I gave a little laugh at that and then hopped off the couch holding a hand out to him. "Like you're one to talk."

He growled slightly but took my hand allowing me to help him down. "Just put the damn movie on..."


/Anxiety's p.o.v./

Prince and I were walking back to our room pretty late after watching some movies.

"That was really fun Anxiety, you should watch movies with me more often. It's nice not being alone." Prince smiled as he unexpectedly kept walking past his room and with me.

"Yeah... it is." I replied. It really is nice to not feel alone all of the time.

"Hey." He stopped us just outside my door. "We're friends right? I mean I know we don't always make it apparent, but I do care for you."

I felt my heart speed up at his words, a strange sense of somewhat happiness washing over me. "Mhm... sure Princey we can be friends."

He smiled and then suddenly wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Good, I'm glad."

I stiffened slightly not used to the sudden contact... but not really opposed to it. Very much the opposite actually... I liked it. It was nice, warm, and inviting. I've never... really been hugged before... does it always feel this caring? I felt my arms loosely return his embrace, resting my chin lightly on his shoulder. He's so... comforting.

Eventually he pulled away still smiling. "Goodnight Anxiety."

"Goodnight." Was all I could rely back. I was confused by the feelings and thoughts rushing through me.

He started to walk back toward his room but turned around to add, "And I wish you sweet dreams as well."

And he was gone.

Hey guys, awe! XD now I know you're like ah, friend zone! But no, no Roman isn't entirely sure of his feelings yet, but he knows he wants to close with Anxiety so calm down. This is just the beginning of their relationship turning for the better. Vote and comment, bye!

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