Chapter 7: Worry

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/Anxiety's p.o.v./

I woke up the next morning in my own bed blinking away the drowsiness. I rolled over from my side to in my back looking at the white dull ceiling. I yawned rubbing one of my eyes. I remembered yesterday. Prince's warm fingers wrapped around my hand. His soft lips locked in mine. The thoughts brought heat to my cheeks.

I grabbed my pillow slamming it into my face and uttering small embarrassed grumbles into it. After a bit of that I threw it and my blankets to the side and rolled out of bed, pulling myself up onto my feet.

"Morning." A voice sounded almost making me jump.

"Depression." I looked over to him not really sure if I said his name as a greeting or just a generalized statement.

He was leaning lazily against the wall by my closet, arms crossed and looking to the floor. He then looked up that same obviously fake smirk like smile on his face. Something in his eyes looked a bit angry... wicked even, but he kept his cool demeanor. "Where have you been?"

"What do you mean?" I asked playing innocent.

"I mean all yesterday, the night before you weren't here." His smile twitched. "Where were you?"

"None of your business..." I muttered.

His smile then completely dropped a scary expression taking over his face. He pushed himself off the wall and began to walk toward me. "What?"

I flinched backing away from him. "N-nothing." I stuttered feeling my heart beat faster with fear. "I-I mean nowhere... I was n-nowhere."

"Uh-huh..." Depression nodded like he didn't believe. "Really because I hadn't been able to find you. Which means you were in an area of Thomas' mind that I can't access. Which means you were with someone else. Dear old Princey perhaps?"

"What? No. Why would you think that?" I lied.

"Well you must have been with someone, and I doubt it would be Logan or Patton because they couldn't give a damn about you." He replied. "The only one who tolerates you out of pity is Roman."

I felt my fist clench the nails digging slightly into my skin. He has no right to even call them by their real names... even if he is right and they don't care. "H-he doesn't just pity me..."

"He does, you'll learn the truth." He reached out for me. "One way or another."

I backed up all the way against the wall freezing. Please no I don't want him to make me do anything again!

"Anxiety?" There was a knock at his door. "It's Logan. I have a need to perorate with you."

Depression growled looking over at the door. He then glared back at Me. "We'll talk more later." He said before disappearing back into the darkness.

There was another knock. "Anxiety?"

"Y-yes! Coming." I called stumbling over to the door. I swung it open quickly causing Logan to have a slightly surprised expression. "What do you want?"

"Well..." he cleared his throat pushing his glasses up more, as if to compose himself. "I came to inquire about your wellbeing."

"My wellbeing..?" I asked in genuine surprise.

"Yes. Patton informed me that you were acting in a way... out of sorts as of late." He explained. "So are you well?"

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