Chapter 2

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Jess's girlish squeal was loud enough to make people go deaf. "You are saying that Spider-Man, the Spider-Man, saved you?"

"Is that what he is called? Spider-Man?" I asked as we headed to Jess's car. Actually, her parents car.

"Uh, yeah!" Jess responded as if I had been living under a rock and I should have known about Spider-Man. I obviously knew enough to know who he was, I just didn't know his official name. But then again, I didn't really go out of my way to figure out his real name.

It wasn't that I didn't like the superheroes, I just didn't think that they were as fascinating as the rest of the world thought they were. The fact that we needed superheroes was a worrisome thought to me. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need superheroes to protect us from aliens or crazed science guys.

I was living in my home town in Idaho when the Avengers were first created, so I never really understood the hype about them. Sure, they were cool, but because Idaho was so unnoticed we never focused too much on the superheroes that always seemed to save the bigger cities. It was like we lived in our own little world free from crazy supervillains and aliens.

I missed it.

But for Jess, someone who had lived in New York City her whole life, superheroes were just as famous as movie stars.

"Well, then yeah, I guess Spider-Man saved me. It's not a big deal though, it was kind of embarrassing to be honest," I responded, hopping into Jess's passenger seat.

"Not a big deal? I would kill to be able to talk to Spider-Man. Literally!" Jess exclaimed. Sometimes, I really questioned her sanity.

"If you did that Jess then I'm sure you would definitely be able to talk to him. But then he'd probably take you to jail," Megan spoke up from the back of the SUV. She had been quiet for most of Jess and I's conversation, so it was good to hear her say something.

It took me awhile to get used to Megan's quiet persona, especially when compared to Jess's boisterous one, but once I got to know the goal-oriented girl behind the shy mask I felt an instant connection. She was also the smartest of our little trio. There was seriously not a question that Megan didn't know the answer to, but she didn't let many know the power of her brain.

Jess just scoffed at Megan's remark as she drove and I laughed at the irritated face on my friend's face.

As we drove to Liz Allan's house, I thought about what I heard when Spider-Man left: "Catch ya later, Kara."

I didn't tell Megan or Jess about it, mainly because I thought it was just my imagination, but it unsettled me nonetheless. Just the thought that Spider-Man might know my name gave me the chills. I would much rather think that I was just going crazy and hearing things than that he might know my name.

Clearing all thoughts on Spider-Man, I turned my attention towards my outfit and worried if it would be appropriate for the party. I was wearing a dark green blouse with a denim jacket, black jeans, and gray sneakers. But I highly doubted I needed to wear anything fancier, considering it was a high school party.

Part of me wished that I didn't agree to come to this party. I was tired and I didn't think I had completely shaken off my near death experience from hours before. It turned out that Megan had already been invited to Liz's party before Jess asked her to come with us. I was surprised when I found out that she was already invited, but Megan and Liz were on the same Academic Decathlon team, so it made more sense.

Because of the thumping pound of a bass, I knew which house was Liz's before Jess pulled up to her house.

Jess and Megan hopped out of the SUV, a smile on both of their faces. However, Megan's smile was not nearly as wide as Jess's and it was mostly hid by her dark black hair, but she still had one. It was a smile of knowing that you were working towards a goal you set for yourself; and knowing Megan, it was one of her happier smiles.

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