Chapter 23

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    Peter's POV

Peter hurried out the door right as Happy's black sedan pulled up to the curb. Stepping out onto the school steps, he saw Happy step out of the driver's seat, hands out in a panic.

"What happened?" he asked, walking around the car.

"Uh, we should probably just go," Peter responded. He didn't want to stay at the school longer than he needed. He was sure that The Shocker was already free from the vines and webs, and he didn't want to stick around to find out for sure. Especially with Kara still unconscious in his arms.

"What the--" Happy said, noticing Kara for the first time. "Who's that?"

"Happy, can we just go," Peter asked as Happy opened the door for him.

"I don't get paid enough for this," he said under his breath as he ran back to the driver's side.
Peter slid into the backseat, careful not to hit Kara's head on the roof of the car.  Once Peter was in the car, he took his mask off, grateful for the dark tinted windows on the car.

Taking a sigh of relief, he rested his head against the backseat of the seat. It had been the first moment since The Shocker came to Midtown Tech that he was able to actually sit down. It wasn't until now that he realized how much damage he took in the fight. He was sure that his neck was going to bruise from being choked, and his shoulder was surely going to hurt for the couple of days... or weeks.

"So do you want to tell me what happened?" Happy asked, once they were on the road.

Peter sighed, "The Shocker is out of prison and came to my school. I--uh, we--stopped him. Or tried to at least."

Happy cursed underneath his breath. "Is she gonna be okay?"

"I think so--I hope so," Peter said, finally looking down at the girl laying in his lap. Her short hair was tangled and the hood she wore earlier was no longer around on her head. He noticed again that the green mask she was wearing was still scratching at her pale face. Reaching down, he pried the cheaply made mask off of her face.

"So who is she?" Happy asked once Peter looked up. "Is she your girlfriend?" Happy raised his eyebrows knowingly, giving him a cheeky smile.

"What? No! Why does everyone keep asking that?" Peter asked, more to himself than Happy.

Happy shrugged, making eye contact with Peter in the rear view mirror, "Just asking."
Peter nodded, looking down at Kara again. "She's just a friend from school."

Happy nodded in return. Peter looked out the window as Happy drove the car to Avengers Headquarters, watching as they passed through the New York bustle. He relished the silence, and it took everything in his power to not fall asleep on the backseat.

After minutes of silence, Happy spoke up again, "So, like, what's her deal? Why is she all passed out and everything?"

Still looking out the window, Peter replied, "She can control plants."



Happy only nodded in response, not saying anything else. The two of them remaining in silence as they finished the ride all the way to Avengers Headqaurters.

It didn't take much longer for them to reach their destination; traffic had been relatively light.

Panic had started to fill Peter. Kara hadn't woken up yet, and honestly didn't even move. If it weren't for the fact that heat could hear her breathing then he probably would have thought she was dead.

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