Chapter 6

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One Year Later

"Kar, you're not even listening to me."

I ignored the comment and continued starting out the window, willing the clouds to disappear.


It wasn't until she threw an orange peel at me that I looked over to her. Jess was staring at me, irritation on her face.

"Hm?" I asked, snapping back to reality.

Jess huffed, "Did you hear anything I just said?"

I looked around and said, "Umm..." I turned to Megan for help, but she was too busy eating her salad and reading her text book to look at me. When I realized that she wouldn't be much help, I defended, "But to be fair, it's not really my fault."

Jess sighed and rolled her eyes, "I said: I am having a few people over tonight for a study group and I was wondering if you wanted to come."

I nodded, not really wanting to speak. I was too tired to open my mouth.

"Sweet! Some of the people in our American Lit class will be there?"

At her clarification, I raised an eyebrow and jerked my thumb in Megan's general direction.

"Yes, she's coming too. She has to stop at home first though. If you had listened before then you would have known that," Jess rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself."

I opened my mouth, finally deciding to use my words, "Sorry, Jess."

She just waved me off, "It's all good, don't worry about it. Why are you so quiet today anyways?"

I rubbed my face, not caring that I was probably smudging my makeup, "I forgot to turn my sun lamp on last night." Jess nodded, understanding.

It probably wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but it was also cloudy outside. I was in desperate need of sunlight. And no matter how much water I drank, I was still exhausted. I sucked on my straw some more, swallowing the water that came up.

"How much water have you had today?" Jess asked as she noticed my giant water cup.

"Um... Probably about twice my bodyweight in ounces. So maybe six, seven?"

Jess whistled, "That's a lot. Is it helping at all?"

"Not really, if it was sunny out then maybe, but it's not so..." I took another sip of water. I hadn't really eaten anything today and my peanut butter and jelly sandwich looked very unappetizing at the moment. I was just really thirsty. I actually didn't have to eat food anymore, I did because I liked to, but after the lab accident a year ago, I only needed water and sunlight. If I went about a day without either of those things though I became tired and weak--and sometimes even blacked out.

Stupid photosynthesis. That was why I invested in a sun lamp.

"It's okay if you don't want to come tonight then, I'll understand," Jess said, eyebrows knitted together with worry.

I shook my head, "No it's okay. I've been drinking lots of water so I'll be fine. I might have to crash at your place before people show up though."

"Sounds good to me. I can give you a ride if you want? After school?" Jess asked.

"Yeah that'd be great." Jess didn't live very far from Midtown Tech but I still hated the idea of walking to her house, considering how exhausted I was.

"Alright, I just have to swing by the grocery store real quick though. To grab some snacks for tonight," she said, shoveling the rest of her yogurt parfait in her mouth.
"How many people are gonna be there?" I asked. It wasn't that I hated people, but I was too tired for a large social gathering.

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