Chapter 24

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Striding out into the hallway, I winced. It wasn't as bright as the medical room I was in, but still too bright for me.

I leaned against and closed my eyes. I could feel my breath getting shorter and shorter, and I needed to force myself to breathe.

In. Out. In. Out.

Normally, I handled anxious and tense situations fine. But, when you get knocked out and wake up to Iron Man over your bedside, I feel like that is reason enough to freak out.

Especially when he knows about your powers.

Forcing myself to sit down, I slid down the wall and felt my butt hit the floor. I was feeling woozy and definitely want to pass out again.

"Hey Kara," I heard a voice above me, "how are you feeling?"

I looked up to see Peter standing above me. He had already changed back into his regular clothes and was no longer sporting the red and blue spandex; instead, he was wearing a Midtown Tech sweatshirt and jogging sweats.

I just shrugged in response. I didn't know whether or not to be frustrated with him. I know he told Iron Man about my powers, but he thought he was helping. I really do appreciate all of his help, but I definitely didn't want Iron Man, or anybody for that matter, to know that I had superpowers.

Peter only nodded and sat down on the floor next to me. I didn't have my phone on me, so unfortunately, this was how I was going to spend my time while waiting. Staring at an empty gray wall.

"So," Peter drawled, letting a loud breath out. I looked at him, staring at his profile as I waited for him to continue. It was another second before Peter continued, "It's been quite the day."

"That's the understatement of the year," I responded, more to myself than to him. I was still having a hard time processing everything that happened. It could be the shock was starting to settle, or it could be the fact that I hit my head way too many times.

I furrowed my brow. Why hadn't Peter taken me to a hospital? I was unconscious apparently, and I probably had a concussion. Why did he take me to Tony Stark of all people and not an actual doctor?

"Peter," I started, waiting for his head to turn; when it did, his deep brown eyes stared into mine. I had always regarded them as chocolate-- a warm brown--but up close I could see tiny gold flakes. If the moved them, the light would catch the tiny specks, brightening up his eyes.

Peter raised his eyes, probing me to continue and I realized that I had been to busy starting into his eyes that I forgot to continue with my question.

Looking away from his stare, I cleared my throat, "Um, why did you take me here and not to a hospital? Didn't I pass out because I hit my head too hard?"

Peter nodded, thinking about it for a moment. "I thought about it, but I wasn't sure if it was because of head injuries or because of your powers, although I am sure hitting your head didn't help."

I turned back to him, "My powers? Why would my powers do that?"

"I don't know, that's why I brought you here. I thought that maybe Mr. Stark would know why. But do you remember when you passed out on our way back from Jess's?"

I did. Apparently Peter had brought me home that night after I had fainted. I guess there were many things that I needed to thank Peter for.

"Yeah," I responded.

"Well, your eyes turned bright green. I mean, I have noticed that your eyes turn bright green when you use your powers, I have seen that happen multiple times. But it was different this time, they almost seemed to be glowing," Peter said, "it wasn't natural."

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