Chapter 19

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Peter's POV

Peter's head thudded. It was dark, and he didn't know where he was, and he couldn't really remember what had happened.

"How long does the sightlessness last again?" Peter heard a female voice ask.

Sightlessness? Why was his sight gone?
"Umm... maybe a couple minutes? Took me a while to come out of it last time Kara barbed me," a different female voice added.

Kara? Like Kara McLean?

Slowly, Peter's memories started to resurface. He remembered stopping Kara from touching the plant in Biology, which he would've thought that she would've been grateful. But instead, she freaked out and hardly spoke to him the rest of the day.

He remembered following her home as she left early from school, and watching her as she paced in her small room all night.

Maybe Ned was right, maybe he was stalking her.

But, he wanted to see if she would use her powers again. He just wanted to know more about her. How she got her powers, how long she's had them for, what all she can do.
He remembered watching her as she paced back and forth, her stress causing vines to grow in the corner of her bedroom ceiling. He didn't even think she was aware of it. And sometimes, when she'd walk, a flower would grow where her door used to be.

Finally, he remembered her on the fire escape, the shocked look on her face when she saw someone was out there with her. Her freaking out, again. And finally, her shooting him with one of her barbs.

Oh crap.

Peter tried to move, but something restricted his movement, keeping his arms at his sides.

"Oh no, he's trying to get out, what do we do?" A female voice asked, it honestly sounded a lot like Jess.

"I don't know Jess, I haven't thought this far ahead!" The voice sounding like Kara's replied.
"Barb him again!"

Peter continued to struggle against his restraints, but whatever was restricting his motion was stronger than he was.

"Wait, no, no, no, don't do that!" Peter begged, not really wanting to be unconscious again.
One of the girls cursed, rather loudly, and said, "Kara do it!"

"Wait don't—"

Feeling a sharp sting on his chest, Peter eyes drifted shut as unconsciousness pulled him out of reality.

Waking up from being unconscious once was hard enough, but waking up twice almost impossible.

His head pounded, and with his spider-like senses, even the tiniest noise added to his splitting headache.

Fortunately, unlike the last time he came out of unconsciousness, Peter's vision returned to him almost immediately.

From his blurry haze, he guessed he was in Kara's room. It was small, really only big enough for a twin bed, a dresser, and a small keyboard in the corner of the room. Pictures hung on the wall, ones of Kara with Megan and Jess, ones with her and her and family, and a few of farm fields, mountains, and valleys.
They were gorgeous, he just couldn't pinpoint where they were taken.

Looking up, three girls stood in front of him, arms crossed and leaning against the wall, staring at him.

Once again, Peter squeezed against whatever was keeping him tied. Glancing down, he was saw a green leafy texture. Vines.

"You can try to get out, but I don't think it's going to work," Kara said, staring at him. They all seemed to be a lot calmer than last time.

"Are these vines?" Peter asked, trying to not to look the girls in the eye.

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