Chapter 10

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I woke that morning with a million texts from Megan and Jess. And multiple missed calls from Jess. I didn't know how they even knew about what happened last night, but they did.

I looked at the texts from Megan, laughing when I saw her nickname. She hated that I changed her contact to what it was, but I found it ironic.

Invisigirl: Jess said you passed out, are you okay?

    Invisigirl: She also said that Peter Parker took you home. Interesting. Does Cole know? ;)

    I rolled my eyes at her last text. Of course she would want to tease me about Cole, it was her favorite thing to tease me about. Even though Cole and I's relationship had only reached the point where we sometimes talked in passing on our way to class. Honestly, in the past year it hadn't changed that much.

    Although Megan seemed shy and quiet, she wasn't. Her quiet was calculated and chosen. She changed quite a bit since the incident in the lab. She had become more snarky and sarcastic, which was a jump from her shy demeanor. She wasn't rude, she was just a bit more cynical than she used to be.

    Having powers changed all is us though, not just her.

I didn't notice any drastic changes since what happened a year ago, but Jess told me how I was not the same as I used to be. Apparently, I had become more antisocial and indifferent to many things. I wasn't cynical like Megan had become, just less interested in things. I figured that it was understandable though, I only wanted to narrow my social circle in case somebody found out about my powers.

    I ignored Meg's texts and looked at Jess's


    I didn't come up with Jess's nickname. She took it upon herself to change her contact name, mainly cause I couldn't come up with one that fit her powers. And I honestly didn't care enough to change it.

    Of course Jess would gloat that she was right before she asked about my well-being. It was a very Jess thing to do.

    HOT-TAMALE: You'd be toast if I didn't send Peter with you!

    HOT-TAMALE: Oh! And how do you feel?

    HOT-TAMALE: And I won't be at school, it's that time of the month again. Ugh.

    I laughed, knowing what Jess really meant. Although it was "that time of the month", whenever she it came around, she was constantly shifting so she had to stay home. I guess her female hormones made her shifting ability go haywire. Megan and I personally found it quite funny and since we found out that happened to her, I stopped complaining about my "time of the month." At least my powers were stable during that time.

    Well, as stable as they got.

    Blacking out wasn't new to me, I had blacked out a few times last winter before I got my sun lamp, but staying unconscious for hours was different. Usually, I was only out a few minutes and I was a little worried that I stayed unconscious for so long.

    I turned off my phone and sighed, leaving my bed to get ready for the day. It would go on whether I wanted it or not.

    Megan waited for me by my locker when I arrived at school, face in her physics textbook. When I started dialing my combo, she glanced up at me.

    "How do you feel?" She asked, and although she sounded indifferent, I knew she actually cared.

    "Better actually. My parents turned on my sun lamp last night for me, so I feel pretty refreshed," I pulled out my Adv. Bio textbook, knowing it was my first period of the day.

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