Chapter 15

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I reached the door to my family's apartment and caught my breath. I honestly didn't remember the last time I ran willingly. I wouldn't have run at all, but Spider-Man's tone freaked me out, because he seemed freaked out.

Hesitantly, I knocked on the door, fearing my mother's reaction when the door opened. I had called her on the way home and told her what happened. Her only response was, "Come home now."

I couldn't tell if she was mad or not, but I didn't want to find out.

The door flew open and I instantly engulfed in a pair of arms. From the smell of dishwasher soap and peppermint, I knew it was my mother.

Well, she obviously wasn't mad.

I tried to say something to her, but my mouth was full of her long hair. Reaching around her embrace, I picked the strands out of my mouth.

"Um," I spoke once my mouth wasn't filled with hair, "Hi?"

My mother pulled away and glared at me. "Hi? That's all I get?"

I didn't have a time to defend myself before she spoke again.

"What were you thinking? Going home by yourself this late at night?" Her words were so harsh she was almost screeching.

I rolled my eyes at my mother. She obviously wasn't too worried about me walking home by myself when she left me at Jess's house yesterday.

I sighed and walked past my mom, "I do it all the time, Mom."

"Well, that's stopping now," she said, folding her arms. I gave it a week before she forgot about this new rule of hers.

Not in the mood for a lecture, I replied, "Okay."

There was no point in arguing with her when she was just going to forget about it.

My mom seemed shocked at my sudden compliance and nodded her head. "Okay, well. The police will be here in a few minutes so don't head to bed yet."

"The police? Why are the police coming?" I asked, turning to face her. All I wanted to do was go to bed. I did not want to stay up and talk to cops.

My mother sighed and gripped the bridge of her nose, "Because Kara, that's what happens when there's a crime. You report it. Don't you want those men to be caught so they can't do it again?"

She had a point, but I didn't really think it was necessary. They were currently unconscious so all the police had to do was go to the alley near the shelter and that's where they'd be.

I didn't answer my mother, instead, I grabbed a cup of water and sat on the couch, physically drained from using my powers. As I gulped my glass of water down, I thought about that loud bang and Spider-Man. There had been multiple times on my way home that I had stopped and thought about whether or not to go back and see if Spider-Man was alright. But, I figured that I would do more harm than I would do good.

Finishing off my water, I felt a presence on the couch next to me. Looking over, I saw my mom staring intently at me.

"So," she started, "do you want to talk about it?"

Honestly, I didn't. Ever since my mother and father began their nightly feuds, the relationship between my mother and I had changed drastically. We used to be inseparable, I was the oldest and the only girl and we just seemed to get each other. But not anymore.

Once I figured that my parents would most likely be getting a divorce, I spent a lot more time with Jess and Megan and on my own and my mother spent a lot of time in the bathroom in the master bedroom. The first few months were unbearable, not just for me but for my brothers too.

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